Claire Posted December 20, 2003 Report Posted December 20, 2003 Jennifer, That was quite a wonderful post. I feel like we should have a new thread called 'building up the immune system' that leads with that post, however, I am not big on quoting other people, since I know some (including me) may not want a permanent record. If you have a chance to do this, I think it would be great. My son basically only drinks 1% milk and water, and has since he was young. Oh yes, and fresh squeezed grapefruit juice/carrot juice/broccoli juice every couple of days. Juicing is the best way--almost the only way-- to get veggies in him. Fruits are much easier. Since we have been vigilant on transfats/partially hydrogenated oils for a couple of years now, it turns out that those same companies that don't use them tend not to use preservatives. We don't have candie/sweets at home, though I can't help the school parties. We have always used whole grains. I think my son had a lot of antibiotics--ugh--his colds didn't turn into ear infections, but to croupe or bronchitis. He got a candidas test with the RAST test--we should hear the results next week. Since they only withdrew blood once, I didn't feel too badly checking it out. I am looking into probiotics--I know that Chemar likes these, and my ENT doctor takes them himself. You didn't mention them in your post--aren't they supposed to help build a healthy immune system also? (If you mentioned them earlier, my apologies, I can't always keep track of who said what!). For others, here is a link on probiotics At the first sign of a cold, I give my son echinacea. All I can say is that he only had minor sniffles for a couple of days this year. (Strep/tonsilitis was a different matter) I just read on a site that Chemar provided great input on echinecea Amazing--in Germany, echinacea is the top cold remedy! efgh, Well, the same site above lists a on St. John's Wort did say there was a risk of photosensitivity and potential issues with cataracts at high doses. I wouldn't give a high does, but since my son already has some of this, I am holding off until I learn more . This link from Chemar is great for a lot of your questions efgh Jennifer, when you have time, I would love to hear about your trail mix and concoction once a cold starts. My husband and I did the Atkins diet to lose 5-10 pounds (it worked), and since then we have lots of nuts around. After reading this board, I do my shopping at Whole foods and buy organic items as much as possible. Thanks Jennifer! Claire
Guest Jean Posted December 21, 2003 Report Posted December 21, 2003 Efgh, Sorry for not getting back to you soon as I was off from my computer couple days. Overall, my son's tics were mild last week in comparing a week before. I started giving him the bath last Sunday night. He had daily Epsom Salt bath after his shower lately. Usually after his Wednesday's computer lab, his tics are worse. Last Wednesday, his tics stayed the same (mild). He just started his Body Bio oil yesterday. I'll see how it goes... In response your early questions, my son has been on different kinds of non-steroidal inhalers (as I refused to give steroidal inhalers or oral meds then), allergy meds (Zertex, Clariton), Singular (for his allergy and asthma) and NasulNex (for his nose) for many years. He had his allergy shots for 2 years. At one time period, he had 4 shots every week. later on it's reduced to 2 shots every other week. During the time, he never stopped nor reduced his "routine" medicines. After I noticed his tics were worse after the shots, I stopped the shots. When I read most messages in the forum, I have a strong feeling that the allergy shots could trigger his tics as neither side of families has tics history. Now I'll be very cautions for any new meds (or treament) that he'll be given unless the medicine is a must.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted December 21, 2003 Report Posted December 21, 2003 Thanks a lot Jean for your reply. Please let me know your son's improvement on Body Bio oil. I am ordering the same too. What is the dosage you are giving to your son? Are you still strictly following the feingold diet for your son now (no apples, almonds, oranges etc) or have you added back a few items. thanks again and wish you all a good week end. Claire, that was a very good article on TV triggers. thanks.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted December 21, 2003 Report Posted December 21, 2003 Jean, is your son still on asthma medications. Heard sudafed based medications may trigger tics (I think singulair falls in that group, not sure though). Apart from the Body bio oil, do you intend to start your son on any vitamin program?
Guest Jean Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Hi efgh, My son's asthma is under control these days, but his allergy is still bad. He takes singulair (NO shots!). Per his doctor singulair is good for both asthma and allergy. I may need to search more info. about Singulair. Of course, he always has to take clariton daily or every other day. I started to give him Body Bio 1/2 tbs with cottage cheese. Today is the 3rd day of taking the oil, I increased it to 1 tbs (1/2 tbs in the morning, and 1/2 tbs in the evening). His tics started to show off more tonight (he was doing wonderfully last week). I'll see how he will be doing tomorrow, and will decide if I should quit the oil for couple days. Jennifer, any suggestion? Your advice is appreciated!
Claire Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 When you speak of shots causing problems, do you mean the antigen shots (where they inject small amounts of the things they are allergic to?), or shots of Claritin or some other medicine? I have a ton of allergies (though tics aren't my issue), and I take antigen shots at home and have been for 24 years now. I have hardwood floors and use a HEPA air filter. And no pets. I read that childhood asthma would go down by 40% if folks didn't have pets. Easier said than done when you love an existing one-- My son started to get bad allergies and colds a lot (his allergies were so bad I would think he had a cold some mornings!) and it improved drastically when he started to get more aerobic exercise. Plus I wash his entire bedding weekly, and used to do the same with those dusty stuffed animals when he slept with them. That clearly up the morning stuffiness. Finally, I bought a Roomba auto-vacuum and vacuum his room every other day. We only have leather couches--I read fabric couches are a dust mite haven and get all the dust-mite proof pillow covers. It has made a huge difference for me, and has helped him also, though he isn't nearly as sensitive as I am. Neither of us has asthma, however, I used to think that if I weren't so committed to aerobics and minimizing dust, that that might have been my path. I also refused to use those steroid inhalers during bronchitis--for both of us. Claire
Guest Jean Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Claire, Thanks for the message! These are useful information. I suspect that antigen shots might be the cause. When I recall back, his tics increased everytime after the shots. But I am not certain about it. I read some article from internet mentioned that allergy shots tiggers tics, but no real study for it though. My son has special bedding including mattess cover, pillow cases. His room is hardwood floor with no curtain, etc. His nose is always stuffed. How old is your son? It's good to know that aerobic helps allergy. My son is 7, so I am wondering if there is aerobic class for such age. I do have fabric sofa at home, but never thought about it. What's Roomba auto-vacuum? Is it a special vacuum. Thanks!
Guest Guest_efgh Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Claire and Jean thanks for the useful info. My son's asthma/allergies are very much under control these days. What do you mean by special bedding, Jean? Claire, you mentioned you clean your son's entire bedding every week? BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MATTRESS since its the HAVEN for dustmites. How do you ensure dustmites are free in his mattress? Any tips please.
Guest Jean Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 efgh, My son's bedding stuff including mattress cover, pillow, pillow cases, and sheets are special ordered or so called "allergy free" bedding. The mattress cover mentioned here is not the same as fitted sheet. It's a cover that entire mattress can be wrapped. I noticed that the pillow makes big difference for my son. Besides mattress, the pillow is also the "heave" of dust mites. My son has high reaction to dust mites. If it's not your son's concern, you may not need these stuff. I used to use special ordered detergent (forgot the name) to wash his clothes and sheets, but I'm not doing this anymore. Maybe I should restart it again.
Claire Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Jean/efgh efgh, as Jean says, unless dust (really it's the dustmites) are a problem for your son, most of this won't apply. The allergy product company I use is at 800-522-1448. You can get a free catalog from them. They have dustmite protectors for the mattresses also--they say to vacuum them, but I wash them. I have most of the other things Jean mentioned also--especially important are the dust mite pillow covers. Everything feels like cotton these days, not plastic, so it is totally comfortable. I wash the comforter, sheets, etc each week. When I get lazy/too busy, I notice my son getting stuffy, and then I wash everything and then next morning he has immediate improvement. I used to have a chronic cough from the dust for many years, but it is gone. If I visit someone with carpeting for a week, I notice my chest tightening up, and the cough comes back. When we did have carpeting, I had to vacuum it every night to be okay. Jean, Sorry to hear the antigen shots caused tics--good for you for paying attention, I don't blame you for stopping them! Re the Roomba, it is an automatic 'robot' vacuum. I am too busy to vacuum that often. You just turn it on in your child's room (or any room for that matter), and it vacuums it for you. They now have a deluxe version where there is also a remote control for tricky spots, and two virtual walls to . It works great--you just must keep things picked up off the floor of course, as with a normal vacuum. For details, please look here: Finally, I didn't mean an aerobics class, I meant general aerobic exercise. For my son it was running (yes we started running when he was 6 for this, with rewards), or soccer, or basketball. I noticed a dramatic difference both in his tolerance for allergy triggers, and a reduction in colds. In the summer we found a summer camp with biking and hiking--he has evolved from a child who was more 'academic' to a fit and active sports enthusiast. He holds his own very well. I sometimes wonder whether I might have ended up with an asthma diagnosis myself, but for the fact that I was so active my whole life--the doctor said I had 50% more lung capacity than the average woman. Maybe without that extra capacity (which I believe is enhanced with aerobic exercise--ask your doctor about this), I might have ended up differently. Of course some people have exercise induced asthma, but this shouldn't stop them from finding the right level for them--I know an avid runner with Ex induced asthma. Claire
Guest Jean Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Claire, Thanks for the detail information! You're right. I'm getting busy (or lazy) these days. I don't wash his bedding every week as I used to do. I can see my son's nose is really stuffing lately. Thanks for the tips! BTW, you mentioned all these activities that you son has been doing. Do they trigger your son's tics (or your son has already tic free ). I noticed that my son tics bad when he's on the soccer field or riding bike.
Guest Guest_efgh Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Claire and Jean Thanks for your useful replies. You are SO right about aerobic exercises. I found it true even for my son. Jean, please keep me posted on the improvement with body bio oil for your son. Claire, how about your son after Body bio oil? Merry Christmas all of you!
Guest Guest_efgh Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Claire At what temperature do you wash those allergic proof pillow/mattress covers? thanks
Guest Guest_efgh Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Claire, sorry one more question. Can you give the website of the allergy company please ...
Claire Posted December 22, 2003 Report Posted December 22, 2003 Jean/efgh efgh, sorry I don't have the website--just the number, and I lost my catalog (they send them quarterly). I am sure they can give it to you over the phone. As for killing the dust mites by washing, I only use warm water and mild soap, but what my allergist said was the key was to put it in a HOT dryer for 1 hour--that's what kills them. So I make sure things are bone dry and hot, and I guarantee you they wear out faster that way! I wash his comforter and sheets the same way, and the stuffed animals, when I used to do them, so we limited the number of animals out so they didn't get too battered up. I still haven't gotten the bodybio oil, I was late in ordering (work deadlines til midnight for weeks), and it was supposed to come on Friday. I haven't even ordered the full spectrum bulbs yet, but we have a couple in his room and bathroom at least. Jean, My son only got tics from computer/TV (ie he doesn't have Tourette's, but I came here looking for insight, and some of the compulsivity issues that Jennifer and Chemar mention can apply to my son--to a lessor degree, but still, he would be happier without them. Plus some fears and tough time getting to sleep--e definitely has a direct strep/tonsilitis reaction in terms of fears. Do I think some of the alternative approaches here to stabilizing the neurological system and building up his immune system will help him in general. But back when he was ticcing, before I really figured out the TV/computer correlation, yes he did tick more during soccer and during running. Sounds like you have noticed the same thing. I never understood that one--really I hadn't a clue-it was counter-intuitive to me. We did it anyway because I just couldn't imagine it actually being bad for him in the end, and sure enough, once the flickering computer/TV exposure was gone (it took a full week after each new exposure for all the tics to clear), nothing else was enough to trigger any tics. Digging in the dirt wasn't a problem, and nor was Dance Dance Revolution (on an LCD monitor)--which I discuss on the computer thread in one of my last posts, so I won't repeat it here. Maybe because he was so focused during the time. I just can't speak highly enough of that game for focus (that really does carry over at school), reading/tracking skills, gross motor coordination, exercise/aerobics and non-stop fun. We started when he was 7. By the way, he tried watch a plasma TV screen (no flicker, they are like LCD's) the other night at a friends house, and he had a small tic the next day--it didn't last more than a day though. It was a skateboarding video and the screen was HUGE--we only use 15" LCD screens from across the room, so it must have been the content (rapid action) on the bigger screen. As you know, we avoid rapid action stuff. Claire ps, I thought I was supposed to fly out today, but it turns out it is tomorrow.
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