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PANDAS on You tube

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Has anyone seen this before? If not check it out. It made me a bit irritated. How many times does he say "Does it exist" "If there is such a real disease" "not a real disease" This is very familiar to what I have heard at neurologist offices! How frustrating. He does say "don't worry about calling it a cerain disease, just treat the symptoms." "Don't label them or treat them as a certain disease." I guess he is warning to be careful. What are parents to do to find the right treatmeats when Dr's can't make up their minds if it exists? What do others here think of this?




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I just watched the video and it made me furious. I wonder how he would explain to me how my perfectly healthy, "normal" 5 yr. old woke up one morning with OCD and tics which disappeared with antibiotics (until the next strep infection). It is SO unfortunate and I feel negligent that he doesn't "believe" in PANDAS. HOW MANY children does he send away from his practice with untreated strep while their parents watch them get worse and worse? I intend on contacting him about this. I don't know what good it will do except to make me feel better and to continue in my attempt to educate doctors who are clueless about PANDAS. The thing that I don't understand is that there are NO doctors who don't believe in rheumatic fever. PANDAS is the same process, just instead of the strep antibodies atttacking the heart, they attack the brain. Here is his contact info if anyone is interested.

Steven Pavlakis, MD in Brooklyn, NY. His website is drpavlakis.com

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