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I know alot of you cook from scratch, I do the same but I havent been for snacks. Can anyone share some recipes for snacks, we just started the feingold plan and Im at a loss. We bought a lot of snack stuff from whole foods but thats an hour drive for us. I would really love to be able to make my own healthy snacks for Isa from stuff I can find around here.

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Well I buy mixes sometimes. But the best thing I do sometimes is simply go to the web and stock up with online purchases. If your child is on a GFCF diet, its almost Passover time and alot of Kosher food at Passover is available at Kosher stores this time of year that are good for my son's diet.

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Im looking more for stuff I can make from scratch to save money, we have a very limited food budget, about $80 a week for a family of three including soy milk ($3 per quart) and our household supplies like paper towels, laundry detergent, TP etc.

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I have found a great recipe book with over 400 meals, that are great for childrens taste buds. All recipes are casin,gluten,MSG,aspartame and DGA free. They are easy to follow and you can save lots of pennies cooking from scratch.


The book is called "The AiA Gluten & Dairy Free Cookbook" by Marilyn Le Breton, and I have seen the book sold used on Amazon. It contains lots of snacks and good ideas for school lunches.


Let me know some of their favourite foods, and I can post some ideas.



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Be very careful with the soy. It is a common allergen as well and hard for many kids to digest, especially with casein and/or gluten sensitivities. I just want to caution you on the soy as I know you haven't yet done any IgG testing. She may seem fine for a while and then all of a sudden start to develop symptoms from it, especially if you are using it as a staple food.

This article is an eye opener:




Choose healthy whole foods as snacks. You can't go wrong! Grapes, apples, peaches. Make sure your food choices are substantial and not empty processed foods that will fill her up so that she is not hungry for healthier choices. Grill up chicken and cut it into little strips. She could eat them cold or you could reheat them. We reconstitute all our leftovers. I have turned it into an art form of sorts.


More later--

Off to church!


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Isa cant have casein so we really dont have any other options but soy. Is there anything else you know of I can use as milk and cheese that will go along with the Feingold program?



She is on stage one of the program so she cant have grapes or apples at this point. I never give her any processed foods, its always from scratch and thanks to the Feingold program now its natural. She snacks on the natural cereals and stuff like that but I feel like she is so limited right now because of the fruits she cant have. The ones she cant have are the ones she likes the most.

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I don't know if these milks are allowed on the Feingold program, but there is rice milk, hazelnut milk, hemp milk, and almond milk. In my opinion they are hard to get used to at first, but so was soy for me. I quickly got used to them tough.



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