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Shower ordeal tonight


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Sorry for my multiple posts tonight...internet connection was down for a bit so I am back on full blast tonight!


I was giving my daughter a shower tonight and again she said ouch when I held the shower head over her. She keeps saying the water feels like someone is pricking her. Is there a connection with this at all.

These days I just never know....

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I was wondering this, too. Someone recommended some reading in an introduction thread I started here. My son will whine about pats on the back or knee. If he really does get hurt, you would think he was dying!


Here's from the other thread:


Welcome harpozo,


Your son's hyper-sensitivities sounds like sensory issues. Doris Rapp wrote a couple of terrific books on the subject. It was very enlightening.



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I refused to take a shower until I was 12 years old and would only take baths. I was afraid that I would get soap in my eyes, and I didn't like the water spraying on my face. I also agree that your daughter's pain when taking a shower could possibly be sensory issues.



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