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Anybody familiar with NMT?

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Hello all,


I've posted here in the past, and continue to read this forum and others for all the wonderful info I get. I have a son with a tic disorder and he takes supplements very similar to Bonnie's program, which have helped him tremendously - his tics are usually very minor and not noticeable by others. The recent discussion of allergies here has prompted me to ask if anybody else has heard of, or tried something called Neuromodulation Technique. It was developed by Dr. Leslie Feinberg and is only about a year old I think. From what I understand, he combined and improved many areas of other "energy medicines" to come up with this technique, which addresses the autonomic control system through muscle response testing, and then "instructs" your body to correct itself through stimulation of the spinal cord.


It is supposed to help almost any type of illness, including allergies, and he claims to have incredible, fast results. I kind of stumbled into it accidentally, but a naprapath that was recommended to us for other types of treatments is trained in it, and we decided to try it for my son's allergies, which I feel influence his tics, and were giving him other health problems (sinus infections, respiratory infections, etc.) First, let me say that I knew nothing about energy medicines, and am pretty skeptical about things. Even when I saw her doing it, half the time I thought I was crazy to be trying it because it looks so goofy (excuse my technical language!).


Well, we did it over the summer, which was after his bad spring allergies, and after 5 or 6 visits she said he was clear of his allergies. I have to say that he's had no problems with fall allergies, but I'm waiting for spring for the big test. I guess I'm still a little skeptical, but I have to say that overall his tics are better and he's had no congestion problems or other allergy symptoms.


I wasn't even going to mention it to people until after we see how he does in the spring, but I'm so curious if other people have heard of it or tried it. I do know one other person who has tried it and she said it helped her allergies. The website is Neuromodulationtechnique.com


He says they have incredible success with MANY types of illness, including serious autoimmune problems. The practitioner we went to seems very sincere about it, and also reports good results.


Oh, we did allergy testing with an environmental allergist because it was supposed to be a much more accurate technique, and the shots were supposed to be tailor made to the specific dose he needed for treatment. We tried them but they seemed to make his tics worse, so I just couldn't bear to put him through it for that result.


If anybody has any experience with it I'd love to hear it. It was such an easy and noninvasive thing to do - it almost seems too good to be true, you know? Thanks for your input.



Guest Jennifer



We too have used this form of treatment for our 8 year old son. He was particularly sensitive to formaldehyde. His doctor used the same tecnique you described to desensitize him to the substance. It seems like it worked. He has since been around new carpet, paint etc. which is known to contain formaldehyde and we did not see any kind of worsening. We are however, getting into the fatty acid therapy and attribute his complete remission to some specific fatty acids we are using. He has been tic free for about two months now, prior to the fatty acids he was much less severe, but now the tics are non existent.






Thanks for your response. I'm glad it helped your son as well. I too think the supplements, including EFAs, are necessary for my son's overall well being, and have helped reduce tics dramatically.



  • 1 month later...



How many sessions did Neuromodulation Technique take? Did your child have to avoid the things he was allergic to?


I feel fairly certain my son is allergic to wheat. He developed excema in the last few months (I read 80% of childhood excema is from food allergies!), and I took it away for 4 days and it definitely improved, then we reintroduced it (but less a day) and it got worse again. But he can't stand giving up his favorite food--do you think this technique requires it?


Also, how do I find someone to do this?






He went 5 or 6 times before she said he was completely cleared. His allergies were mostly environmental, though, dust, mold, etc. It is supposed to work just as well on food allergies and I don't think you have to avoid those foods. You can check the website at Neuromodulationtechnique.com (sorry, I don't know how to make that a direct link) for a list of practitioners to see if there is one close to you. My practitioner gave a free "global" examination to determine the areas that needed treating before we started. There were other things she addressed besides allergies. She charged $60 a session, so it cost $360 out of pocket, which isn't cheap, but well worth it if we can avoid allergy medications (which didn't seem to help much anyway) and keep his sinus and respiratory infections away. Since then he's been very healthy, no allergy symptoms, and only 1 cold when school started (I'm going to knock on wood now - it seems like everytime I say things are going well someone gets sick!) I would ask any practitioner how many people they've treated and what kind of success they've had - since this is still a relatively new technique I think practitioners become more skilled over time (just as any doctor does). Good luck!



Guest Jed Shlackman

Hi. I recently trained with Dr. Feinberg to be a Neuromodulation Technique practitioner. The first person I treated was my mother, whose food sensitivities apparently cleared after one treatment. There can be much variation in how many sessions may be necessary to resolve an issue, but I agree with Dr. Feinberg that the possibilities of his method are seemingly unlimited. To understand how and why NMT works (and possible reasons why it may not be getting results in some cases) I suggest reading books on topics like quantum biology, quantum physics/"new" physics, applied kinesiology, dowsing, and energy medicine. The topic of tourette's has come up in the NMT forums, and one of the respondants has reported successfully treating it with NMT. Certainly, avoiding environmental toxins and enhancing nutrition are beneficial, but modulating the information/energy processing system that guides how the body reacts to things seems to have a fast and powerful impact when done skillfully.


- hope my thoughts here are of use to readers -

Jed Shlackman, LMHC, C.Ht.


Guest Robin O

Jack, If you are still here, I have a question. I have done a search and cannot find anyone in my area certified in NMT. I am currently bringing my son to an Alterntive Dr. He is a chiropractor. He does Kinesiology. Would he be able to help with his food allergies etc with any method beside the NMT. I would call him and ask but he is out of town for 2 weeks for christmas. Just wondering about all of this. My son has so many food sensitivities not really allergies. but are trying to eliminate alot of foods right now and its really hard on my son. He is 8 years old and has TS and ADHD.




I read the recent post on the NMT forum that discussed Tourettes. The person stated that NAET cured her son of TS 7 years ago, which prompted her to now use NMT to treat a current patient. I hope she updates us on her progress to see how it goes. The practitioner that treated my son for allergies also addressed things that may be affecting his neurological system and contributing to his tics. She did say there's no specific protocol for TS with NMT, but I think helping his allergies and overall health have helped him a lot, along with the supplements he takes. Because there are so many underlying causes that can contribute to TS, it's hard to know what may really make a difference in each case, but I do feel that NMT helped my son's allergies and immune system, which I believe play a big role in his tic disorder. I'd love to hear if you get any more feedback on NMT and TS - please keep us posted. Thanks.

Guest Guest_efgh


Did you give the recommended dosage of Bonnie's supplements to your son or lesser?

I am unable to find calcium citrate yet in any drug store. where did you get it?

Any side effects from NMT???

Nancy, thanks for the supplement list that you posted. You seem to be giving a lot of B1 for your son (50 mg thrice a day)? Read that the recommended daily reqmt of B1 is hardly 2 mg per day.


Any specific reason or upon doctor's advise ?? Is B1 known to help TS more than other forms of B?

thanks in advance.

Guest Jed Shlackman

Robin, there are some other kinesiology-based techniques that could be helpful, such as NAET & JMT. With issues like TS & ADHD there are multiple NMT treatment pathways that could address issues related to these conditions, so allergies/sensitivities might not fully address the situation. Toxins & infectious agents can also play a role, as well as faults in nervous system processing. Dr. Feinberg is continually adding new pathways of NMT treatment and looking for ways to increase success with this method. NMT pathways do not focus on specific disorders, but instead address pathways of functioning/processing, such as sensori-motor, allergens, toxins, infectious agents, meridians, chakras, hormones, & more. Some of the pathways are only taught in the advanced level seminar, although a practitioner familiar with how a pathway-related system functions could try experimentally querying about that subject area without having knowledge of the specific protocol used there in NMT.

Side effects with NMT would generally be symptoms associated with detoxification, and NMT treatments direct the modulations to be done in a manner that can be safely handled by the body, so for example, when someone has lots of toxins to release then the NMT treatments may only facilitate release of a few types of toxins at a time so that the release can be safely managed. This seems to me safer than biochemical detox interventions, which can sometimes trigger significant adverse detox symptoms. NMT uses the body's own wisdom, whereas just giving a bunch of supplements or chelating agents requires biochemical testing to help gauge what are ideal dosages to get optimal benefits with minimal risk of adverse effects. The nutritional interventions ARE valuable and can be used in combination with NMT and other energy medicine approaches. However, NMT can potentially alleviate the need for avoiding foods in many cases and can also help minimize supplement needs.


Finally, in response to the last post about supplements, what drug stores have been checked that didn't have calcium citrate? I got calcium citrate years ago at an Eckerds store and have seen it just about everywhere. If you check labels you should find at least one calcium supplement that uses the citrate form.



  • 6 years later...

I realize this thread is years old, but I recently learned about NMT and am intrigued. I've been using NAET, but it requires a session for nearly every food or environmental element that you are sensitive to. This can add up quickly. If there are any people with recent experience with NMT I'd be very curious to hear from you. Thank you.

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