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Tried to start Bonnies Supp. tonight. I put them in juice, and then in yogurt (even added Bananas) she refused to take another bite.

She is 5 and cannot swallow the pills at all so I have to somehow put them in food. She is eventually supposed to be up to 10 of these a day! YIKES how will I ever get her to take them??? Please help with ideas!!!

And also what to expect after starting them.....as far as problems with her body adjusting to them.

Thanks in advance and I sure do apologize for my last post....I have it back together now and I am going to keep fighting these tics.

Sometimes I seem to just loose all my will when nothing I do seems to work.

Still also waiting on a copy of the blood work the neurolgist did for the pandas check back in August.




Clearly this won't work for everyone, but I have a little man with a big attitude.


My husband and I very obviously swallowed large vitamins in front of him. He inquired. We told him they were for grown ups and we didn't think kids could swallow them. He proved us wrong by swallowing six of them!


If that doesn't work, yogurt-banana may not be strong enough to mask it. I use a frozen berry medley from Trader Joe's. Blend the frozen berries -- strawberry/blueberry/raspberry -- with some liquid (rice milk/juice/yogurt). I usually throw in a half banana for texture. Serve it with a spoon so it looks more dessert-like.




I don't know if you are dairy free or sugar free. I do one teaspoon to one tablespoon of Breyer's vanilla ice cream. It is the "all natural" label and has only the basic ice cream ingredients. I can put 5-6 capsules of vitamins in a little sushi bowl and mix until it is like yogurt. It is a real treat for him, and I don't think a tablespoon has too much sugar in it.


Good luck and don't give up!


I forgot ... I hate to endorse a product here, but since I had to learn to cook from scratch, the Magic Bullet gizmo has been invaluable. It is a personal blender that comes with about eight attachments. I do all the berry smoothies for my kids in it. I actually bought it last year because they were Jamba Juicing* me to death. It is so much easier to clean than the big blender.


*expensive retail fruit juice smoothie shop




I don't know if you are dairy free or sugar free. I do one teaspoon to one tablespoon of Breyer's vanilla ice cream. It is the "all natural" label and has only the basic ice cream ingredients. I can put 5-6 capsules of vitamins in a little sushi bowl and mix until it is like yogurt. It is a real treat for him, and I don't think a tablespoon has too much sugar in it.


Good luck and don't give up!



Thank You! I am going to go out and buy some ice-cream tomorrow! Wish me luck!



Clearly this won't work for everyone, but I have a little man with a big attitude.


My husband and I very obviously swallowed large vitamins in front of him. He inquired. We told him they were for grown ups and we didn't think kids could swallow them. He proved us wrong by swallowing six of them!


If that doesn't work, yogurt-banana may not be strong enough to mask it. I use a frozen berry medley from Trader Joe's. Blend the frozen berries -- strawberry/blueberry/raspberry -- with some liquid (rice milk/juice/yogurt). I usually throw in a half banana for texture. Serve it with a spoon so it looks more dessert-like.




Tami...she actually wanted to swallow them. She tried so hard!!!!!!! I myself have a hard time sometimes. She will keep trying to swallow them. In the meantime I will your suggestion tomorrow and also maybe some all natural ice-cream that another posted.

Thank you so much for your reply!

I forgot ... I hate to endorse a product here, but since I had to learn to cook from scratch, the Magic Bullet gizmo has been invaluable. It is a personal blender that comes with about eight attachments. I do all the berry smoothies for my kids in it. I actually bought it last year because they were Jamba Juicing* me to death. It is so much easier to clean than the big blender.


*expensive retail fruit juice smoothie shop






I have one! We only use it to make milkshakes (only thing that it actually did correcting for us) The egg salad I tried to make was a MESS!

I will make her a milk shake and then a smoothie. Guess the smoothie for the morning and the shake for an after dinner treat. I won't mention the medicine either.....Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks again!


I have to respond to this post. This was the past 1 1/2 YEARS OF MY LIFE. Disguising TS-Plus! I tried EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. Only one thing worked for me and that was peanut butter. It really does hide the taste.


What I would do is get Styrofoam bowels from Costco, we bought large quantities because we did it twice a day, and I would put five capsules of the TS-Plus in the bowel (remember when starting TS-Plus you have to work up to the recommended amount). Then I would get about a teaspoon and 1/2 of peanut butter. I would get a little spoon, like a baby spoon size, and basically grind it into the peanut butter. When it was really mixed, it took at least a good 30 seconds or more to grind it into the peanut butter, I would then take my fingers and make little peanut butter balls out of it. It would make around eight. Then I would get some "raw sugar" you can buy it any grocery store in a brown box and sprinkle it on top of the peanut butter balls (the sugar really helps cover the taste even more). All I can say is it worked. I have to say, my son was absolutely sick of peanut butter after a 1 1/2 years of doing this but he did it and I am proud of him for sticking with it.


Finally, I convinced him, after the 1 1/2 of trying, to stop chewing the peanut butter balls just swallow them. Finally he did it! It was about a month after him getting the hang of swallowing the peanut butter balls that he was able to swallow the capsules whole. What a day of rejoicing that was! It has been such a relief that he can swallow pills now. He is seven and I really didn't expect him to swallow pills until closer to ten! :D


So now you know my life with TS-Plus and Peanut Butter :wacko: But I am very thankful for TS-Plus it has helped tremendously. I hope my suggestion might help you.




I can't believe I forgot peanut butter, Carolyn.


I put two tablespoons of peanut butter, a banana, and milk (or a milk-like substance in the bullet gizmo. Again, serve it with a spoon and call it "dessert;" eventually she will believe this.


Also, I was advised not to do peanut butter more than every fourth day, but to buy cashew butter, almond butter, peanut butter, and macadamia butter and alternate. Apparently peanuts are much more inflammatory and more likely to become allergies in sensitive kids.


My kids finally started asking for "nut butter" because they don't know what they'll get.







You are absolutely correct that rotating the "nut butters" is the better option. With my son I tried one of the other butters and he gagged horrible and begged me not to give it to him again. But I "justified" doing the peanut butter every day with him because I had him going through the treatment similar to NAET that desensitizes you to allergy. But the peanut allergy buildup was certainly a concern in the back of my mind. It never did happen but that is not to say later in life we will not see a rebound effect. But, again, for us it was a life savor because we where able to get it in him. Thanks for you suggestion I am sure that will help others.





Clearly this won't work for everyone, but I have a little man with a big attitude.


My husband and I very obviously swallowed large vitamins in front of him. He inquired. We told him they were for grown ups and we didn't think kids could swallow them. He proved us wrong by swallowing six of them!


If that doesn't work, yogurt-banana may not be strong enough to mask it. I use a frozen berry medley from Trader Joe's. Blend the frozen berries -- strawberry/blueberry/raspberry -- with some liquid (rice milk/juice/yogurt). I usually throw in a half banana for texture. Serve it with a spoon so it looks more dessert-like.




Tami...she actually wanted to swallow them. She tried so hard!!!!!!! I myself have a hard time sometimes. She will keep trying to swallow them. In the meantime I will your suggestion tomorrow and also maybe some all natural ice-cream that another posted.

Thank you so much for your reply!


My ds has had some success with using a straw. We're in practice mode right now so I get him to swallow his chewable probiotics by using a straw to help it go down and he says it works for him. I also am training him to swallow pills by using white tic tacs(probably not the best choice but they are a bit slippery). I've been really lax in working with him on this so you've reminded me that I need to get moving here!

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