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I *finally* found a fish oil that wasn't fish *liver* oil and *didn't* have gelatin and then I read this.


I'm not getting anywhere.


But...then again, almost everything I've tried so far has had the opposite effect everyone else has experienced.



some people with TS do fine on fish oils and if you do that is great as it really is the best source of Omega 3


many however do seem to react to fishoils with increased tics and for them flaxseed and other omega3 rich oils are better


Thanks Chemar :)


I would use flexseed, but I've heard it's not as effective because the body has to *make* the omega-3 from it.


I'll try the fish oil, wait for it to not work or make my tics worse, and then buy some other product :mellow: lol ;) ;)


Just wanted to chime in that my son does tolerate fish oil without an increase in tics. I've had him on EFA Focus for about 8 weeks now, and he is doing well with it.

I received the EFA Focus from my DR, but you can buy the EFA focus on line.


Before we started using EFA Focus, I tried various different fish oils, and my son would not take them for a few days and refuse them because they tasted so nasty. The first time, I started the fish oil from WF, he did have an increase in tics but in hindsight I do not think it was from the fish oil, but something else in his diet.


We also eat fish and I give him flax seed oil as a salad dressing. I also cook with Flax seeds and walnuts for the omegas.

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