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fermented food


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Reading Carolyn N's excellent post made me think of this question that you asked recently.


I think you just want to be aware of both. If your son doesn't have any reaction to the veggie's themselves, the fermented part would probably be beneficial.


Here is one article discussing the benefits of fermented foods




Then from Carolyn's post




This is because we all have different levels of enzymes in our stomachs and livers. Enzymes are required to break down toxins or attach elements to them that help to draw them from the body. The production of these detoxification enzymes varies by something like 10-15 fold in the population. For example, tyramine is a stimulant pseudo-neurotransmitter found in some fermented and aged foods, like cheese or pickled fish. Tyramine is notorious for causing heart palpatations, insomnia, brain "noise" or "chatter", sweating, and is the reason that cheese and chocolate have a reputation for causing nightmares.


More on tyramine


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I have read a lot on migraine websites regarding MSG. They seem to be a great source of information. Daniel, my son, does not suffer from migraines but obviously reacts high to MSG like many migraine suffers. I apologize for not knowing where I read this information on the internet but I read that in very sensitive MSG suffer's even crock potting meat for the day can cause a reaction (I assume simmering soup bones would be the same). By crock potting the meat it naturally creates a small amount of MSG. However, by no means is it in the same intensity as manufactured MSG. Manufactured MSG gets absorbed into the body very quickly whereas something like a crock potted meat is absorbed much slower so it would cause much less of a reaction and the MSG content would be much lower. But again it all depends on how sensitive you are or what other MSG food you came in contact in the prior days that have now built up in your system.


Also I had read a woman's post who said that underbaked breads she had made gave her horrible migraines. I assume this is because the fermented yeast has not been deactivated enough in the baking process. So her point was make sure you fully bake any homemade bread products. I have a gut "feeling" that if I gave Daniel underbaked breads I would see some tics from him.


Thank you Kim for your additonal information. Anything I can find out as to how to help Daniel with this MSG issue is so greatly appreciated.


It is just this huge puzzle but it is so worth the effort to get an understanding of what is going on in him.


Carolyn N.

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