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probiotic question


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Hi trubiano


I have always advocated for intake of probiotics via NATURAL yoghurt and kefir.


just do check yoghurt for any artificial additives and also that it has a good spectrum of probiotics in it. Sadly altho natural yoghurt is and has always been a prime source of probiotics, so many companies have turned it into an artificial concoction that tastes good but has precious little nutritive of probiotic value


I personally like the Stoneyfield farms yoghurts, although Dannon has recently been focussing on the health aspect rather than just the good taste


I really would also recommend kefir as well as yoghurt .



(just an footnote: since my son's dx of crohn's disease he has had to avoid these as, being that Crohn's is an autoimmune inflammatory bowel disease, he was finding that he had flare ups with probiotics)

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