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Tics significantly while reading

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Hi everyone,

My 10 year old son is doing well with supplements, diet changes, no screens etc., 

But his Tics are still off the charts while he reads. He loves reading and it's so hard to stop him from reading. Also if I don't stop him I fear he may become cranky and upset bcz of his own tics. 


Can someone pls give some suggestions what has helped and share the experience with tics triggered while reading. 

Thanks in advance.  



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Hi Swetha,

Our experience was that sometimes relaxation or concentration can also bring a tic release.

Honestly, if your son is not bothered by the tics while he reads, I would not draw attention to them, and certainly would not stop him reading. I realized early on our journey that frequently I was way more aware of tics than my son was, and drawing attention or trying to get him to stop often just ramped them up!

We found using "daylight" light bulbs very helpful indoors, if that may help? Also diffusing a calming essential oil like lavender or jasmine, if he tolerates those.

Also, my son needed corrective eyeglasses, and getting those helped a lot with both eye tics and overall.

Just some thoughts that may be helpful to you?

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