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I have a 7 year old boy who was diagnosed with TS last year. He has mostly motor tics and some slight vocal. We have managed to keep them under some form of control with diet changes. He has no ADD or ADHD symptoms or any other learning disabilities that somtimes come along with the TS.


I have been looking into vitamin supplements and was wondering if anyone has tried the Bontech Supplements (TS-Plus Control & TS-Plus EPA/DHA) from Bonnie Grimaldi. These were recommended to me and I would just like to hear if anyone has tried these and what thier outcome was. From what info I have gotten it seems like a lot of pills for a child and not to mention the cost. Which isn't such a factor if I know that it is actually helpful. So please let me know any info. good or bad.


Thank You

Guest Guest_Debbie

Bonnie actually posts at a TS forum...well, it's not loading for me right now for some reason & I can't even get the url to come up. I'll try to post the link later. It's for the TS forum at Braintalk communities, neurology support groups, if you want to try to find it that way. There are many people there who have used her products with varying degrees of success; they could answer your questions, too.


I haven't tried her products yet, for monetary reasons. I do plan to get the chewable version for my son once they come out. The cost doesn't bother me as much as it used to (I don't consider them overpriced, I mean). I got a bottle of my son's usual multi-vitamin, thinking I could just increase his dose of that more cheaply. Besides the fact that I can't get the same balance of ingredients just by increasing a regular multi-vit, just going by mg-to-mg comparison, Bonnie's suppliments were cheaper. When I looked at just buying certain vitamins individually, it got even MORE expensive.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jennifer

My personal experience has been that while our son had nutritional defficiencies we had him tested for heavy metals and he came back high, thus we are treating him for heavy metal toxicity. Unless the heavy metals are pulled out of the body (they interfere with nutrient absorption) your child will have to take mass supplements for a very long time!!! Cleansing is the first step. I tried the Bonnie Grimaldi vitamins with my seven year old in applesauce and juice, but the flavor was too strong for him and it turned into a gagging session everytime it was time for his dose. We have since found a different regimen which seems to be working well.

I have been able to find various vitamins in liquid and sub-lingual form which are pleasant tasting. The only ones I haven't found are only about three, so that isn't too big of a deal to mix in applesauce. When I'm done with my latest supply I plan on buying a supplement I found that has complete vitamins and minerals along with some really good antioxidants for brain repair. The great thing about it is that it is a sub-lingual spray which works much better than swallowing vitamins.



  • 1 month later...


I just posted this on another thread here but I am going to put it here as well for your interest

We dont use Bonnie's actual products as they are just too high for my budget, but I know those that do sing their praises.


I use a modified regimen for my son based on Bonnies plan and it works wonderfully


Anyway, here is what I posted on the other thread and I will put the link to the BrainTalk Forum that Bonnie posts on at the bottom of the page :)



""I am not sure how much you know about supplements as an alternative to meds for tic relief.

My son was on meds for a year with HORRIBLE side effects........for the last almost 2 years he has been med-free and on supplements and the results are remarkable. We also discovered that hehad some food reactivities, especially pnuts,artificial adds&colors etc) and eliminating these from his diet really helps.


He also finds acupuncture & reflexology very helpful when tics are on the wax.....

There is also great benefit in a new technology known as biofeedback.


The supplement program we follow is based on that recommended by Bonnie Grimaldi. She has now formulated her own products BonTech (www.BonnieGr.com) but her original recommendations are at this link



Although this list may seem intimidating at first, you can simply use it as a guideline.......we find that a good multivite, combined with some combination formulas that provide the extra stuff works just fine.


As my son is often bothered more by his OCD than the tics, we have added some additional herbs and supplements specifically to help with this.""


BrainTalk TS Forum http://neuro-mancer.mgh.harvard.edu/cgi-bi...er=99&SUBMIT=Go

Guest Sheri

My son has used TS+Control from BonTech for about a

year and a half, with great results. I was in the same

position as you, not knowing what to do, who to trust, etc.

I can honestly tell you that they have worked wonders

for our son. Nothing can compare, as they are formulated


As far as the numbers of pills to take, at first it was a battle.

I used bribery for awhile, but as soon as he noticed how

much they were helping him he was glad to take them.

He does complain about taking them with water, which

I solved by letting him take them with pure apple juice.


My daughter is 3 and I started using Bonnie's supplements during a trial period, but was never able to get up to the 10 vitamins a day protocol that was recommended. We were able to get up to 3 and 4 vitamins in a juice cup that she was unable to detect and were able to do this 2 x a day which equaled up to 8 vitamins. There was NO way my child could take the fish oil supplement despite repeated attempts. She could not swallow the pill whole and we could not disguise the taste of it in anything. So, I have discontinued the vitamins for now until July when we go to another MD who can hopefully determine what if any nutritional deficiencies my child may have. I am putting the vitamins back for now, but may attempt again later. lherbert

  • 5 years later...

AS in the present days people are not taking healthy food items which are very good for health as they are taking fast food items which don't give any kind of improvement to your health. People must food containing more calcium's and vitamins which could keep your body strong. Unlike most supplements, these products are made from organic foods, not synthetics. Visit the Naturally Nova Scotia website for more information.



Natural Vitamins

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