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allergy shots


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Sorry for all of the questions lately, but I seem to have one more- brief run down- my son had big explosion of tics in Feb-April. Seems good since except some blinking this week which was due to allergy medicine.-stopped that, tics went away. His allergies have been somewhat bad mainly stuffy nose. It is liveable, but causes him discomfort. Not horrible bad, but stuffy most of day-no sleeping problems. Went to allergy Dr. today and did skin test-tested positive for many things-did not do food, but will soon. I told Dr. no antihistamines and he said no nasal spray due to his nose bleeding problems. Only thing left is allergy desensitation shots weekly. Questions: Are these the shots that Carolyn does? for some reason I thought only alternative Dr. would do this, but this is a regular allergy asthma Dr. Would tics have any negative response to this? I just dont want to harm and although nose can be annoying it is livable and far better than tics. Would there be a down side to these shots or only positive as it would possibly build his immune system? He seems fine with having them and although somewhat of a pain to take him weekly, I am for it if it is a positive action. Thanks for any responses. The shots are called immunotherapy. Is there a difference between build up and optimal dose that environmental Dr. do? Hoping to get more info on this from Carolyn or anyone with knowledge about it.

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My son also has environmental allergies. Instead of doing the allergy shots, i decided to use NAET because it is non-invasive. Since my son's sudden onset of tics, i am a little concern with what is put into his body. I suspect that my son's tic has to do with the past medications that he has used, albuterol, flovent, flonase, cingular, claritin and flu shots.


In any case, i do believe that when one's body rid of allergies, it boosts the immune system and the body is able to handle more stress and indirectly help with the tics. If your son is not bother by the weekly shots and doesn't cause more tics, i think it would be worth your while to see this thru.


We started NAET last summer on food sensitivites and this summer we are treating environmental allergies and his stuffy nose & sneezing has improved.


I am not sure if i have answer your question. I hope this helps.



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Hi bmom,


I would guess that the allergy desensitation shots are not the same type of shots that I do. The dosage in build up shots is increased. Reactions are more likely to happen in build up allergy shots. However, in optimal dose allergy shots the dosage does not increase. The nurse finds the maximum amount of antigen a person can handle before a reaction occurs and that is what is used in the shots. The dosage always stays the same unless the results change when being retested. Reactions are less likely to occur in optimal dose allergy shots, and that is why they usually can be given at home. From what I've heard, the build up shots aren't usually the best option for tics. Everybody reacts differently though.



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