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Hi parents,

My son's LLND prescribed THREE weeks (21 tablets) Zithromax for Provocation protocol. (His Igenex were negative but LabCorp has IgG P41 and P39 "present abnormal").

I understood that the LLND wanted to him have "die-off" from provocation to figure out if impossible Lyme there. But I do concern because most antibiotics only needs to be taken for 6 to 7 days. My insurance only cover 6 tablet in a month. Although I'm ok that pay the rest 15 tablets privately, I don't know if three weeks on antibiotics is too long and not sure if his sensitive body will tolerate. This is the second time that he takes abx. The first time was 14 years ago, when he was a four months baby.

Any sharing/input/advice will be greatly appreciated!


My son was on Zithromax for 7-8 weeks. It was the first abx he was prescribed for his PANS. It wasn't the magic bullet for us but if you search on the forum some parents have found tremendous success with it and use it long term. It does have risk of possible heart side effects which concerned me (my son eventually developed chest pains while on it but that could be Lyme related as he had other symptoms too including tingling and leg pains). I think 3 weeks is such a short course by comparison to typical Lyme and PANDAS treatment it is likely very safe. To mitigate the possible side effects you should give probtiocs (but as I just posted about for some PANDAs kids probiotics can exacerbate symptoms - I understand this is rare and from what we do and do don't know about antibiotics and probiotics I still  think they are crucial while on abx for any duration. 

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