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Hi Everyone,


This is off topic, but I just wanted to share an experience with you all. Today, I was accepted into the teacher prep program at the University! It's about a three year program which includes student teaching. I will student teach for two semesters. One semester, I will student teach in a special education room and the other semester I'll student teach in a regular education classroom with the possibility of any grade from K-6th grade.


I'm just finishing up two summer classes at the University that are education related. Tonight, we had to each do a five minute presentation. This is an education class so most of my classmates are teacher candidates or already teachers. I chose to be in the exceptionality group and talk about meeting the needs of a student with other health impairments. I just generally covered what other health impairments were and then explained TS, struggles students may face, and available accommodations. I then gave my classmates a timed test in which they had 1 1/2 minutes to write to Pledge of Allegiance (I got this idea from the TSA). Half of the class had assigned tics and the other half didn't. You should have seen the frustration that my classmates experienced when having tics during the timed test! It was amazing to see. Emotions really came about. It was certainly an effective presentation and my professor loved it. I ended up getting a 100% on the presentation!


Sorry that this was off topic, but I really wanted to share this experience with all of you. I didn't realize that my classmates would become so frustrated with the tics. This is something that you could do with your child's teachers to help them understand about TS.




Excellent Carolyn!

Very interesting about the test you gave. Jus curious, are your classmates and/or teacher aware of your TS now?






Way to go on educating others about this disorder (as usual)!


Congratulations on your acceptance into the program too.




Thanks Kim & Faith.


Yes, my classmates and teacher are aware of my TS now because I told them when I presented by explaining that I had an IEP in junior high and high school, etc.



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