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Hello newbie here and happy that I found this forum.


Our 7 year old son was diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago and my wife had started him on supplements (On Task). Seems to be working but still having issues at school. A few weeks ago Nuero told us about Vayarin so we tried that as well and included with On-Task. Neuro says it should help since we didn't want to put our son on full blown medication just yet.


A week later he has developed motor tics so we stopped the Vayarin. According to Neurologist, this wasn't a side effect of Vayarin. Anyone else have similar issues?


Our son is now on Guanfacine 1mg a day (5 days so far) to control adhd and tics. But the tics are not improving or going away. Any information would be much appreciated. Thank you



  • 1 year later...

My son was diagnosed with PANDAS when he was 3yo, and now meets criteria for Tourette.  Have no idea how we've gotten to this point, since his PANDAS episodes were becoming less frequent and we were observing less extreme behavior change.  Have also seen what we now think is AD/HD over the last several months (as yet not formally diagnosed).  Have started Vayarin recently (<2 weeks), so not sure yet what benefits, if any, we might see, but I'm now concerned that others have seen their kids' tics get worse while taking it!  (Yours is not the only post claiming worsening tics.) We have experimented with different doses of guanfacine: 1mg takes the edge off his tics, and calms his behavior somewhat; 2mg made him whiny and he had meltdowns; 3mg we saw symptoms of low blood pressure (so stopped that pretty quickly!).  (He just turned 8yo and weighs ~63lbs).  

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