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Are there any other single parents out there? I am fortunate that I'm not dealing with this all totally on my own. I live with my mother and I cannot imagine having dealt with everything so far on my own. The problem is my son's father doesn't believe the diagnosis. Mostly this isn't a big deal since I'm the primary parent, but he does spend every other weekend there. Ex has been to only 1 doctor's appointment. I give him the dr's notes from every appointment. He doesn't give the meds he needs. Feeds him junk which we agreed was not in his best interest. It's hard enough to deal with everything with PANS and Lyme, but fighting him is exhausting. I consider keeping my son with me at all times, but I really look forward to that brief respite, even though I work most of the time he's at his dad's. I've attempted to give him info, but I don't even think he reads the doctor's notes.


Hi I wanted to reply because I know the feeling. Maybe if you send him with a bad of food for thise weekends it would help to alleviate the symptoms when he comes back.


Thank you for the response. I have considered it, but the next issue appears that he may refuse to take him. Probably better for son's health but not for my stress level.

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