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Please send some positive vibes my ds's way. he's actually doing quite well -- and is in the oral surgeon's chair right now having supernumerary teeth removed. all things considered - he's done fairly well. the spot is in the front of the mouth, so we're grabbing all the positives we can! dh took him because I am tapped out and unable to deal. thank you, dh!


since last September, this child has had a relapse of PANDAS symptoms with Lyme with positive EM rash ; strep in December; myco in January; and a horrible school situation. we were able to finally get him back to baseline sometime March/April-ish. and still -- he has these extra pebble teeth and an adult tooth almost laying down in his jaw that must come out.


it makes me chuckle a little when I try to think of things to be grateful for, that those who are too ignorant to understand think that he has poor or no coping skills - what they don't realize is that he actually has some stellar coping skills - he just needs to be led to use them because he has such more severe challenges than what is 'normal' for his age.


so please send any positive thoughts our way!! Thanks!!!


I hope all goes well! My son also had to have 2 supernumerary teeth removed. Searching the forum archives I found a number of other children that had this as well. Probably a strange coincidence, but I find it interesting!


Cyber hugs, cyber wishes and good vibes, all coming your way! We went through a similar experience back when DS was 9 or 10, and he handled it far better than we had expected him to; chances are, your DS will, too! Milkshakes and some VIP treatment go a long way, too, in helping him feel better!


Crossed fingers!

Posted (edited)

Thanks for that remark about "coping skills", Smartyjones, that's made me feel better about myself too - I sometimes think I've got no self-discipline at all, at the moment there are loads of things I'd like to try and do and I don't want to moan, but I mostly end up collapsed in front of computer games and I do moan. But I think actually maybe I've got pretty good "coping skills", I just have a lot to cope with at the moment!


I hope it all went well.

Edited by Wombat140

Thanks so much! He must have felt good vibes! He did well. he's uncomfortable today not too bad, but he's doing okay.


They didn't do the full surgery - it was getting long and he was getting uncomfortable. This was part of the decisions we were trying to make -- knock him out and do it all with full sedation or see what we could do. the surgery itself didn't need full sedation, the question was whether he would. he took Valium and refused nitrous oxide (from what i could tell, t this seems to mainly be a MTHFR issue, which he doesn't have, so i was going to allow it)


So - we are still not done. Aghh - we are going to still have to deal with the tooth in the jaw. but i guess if we have to put him under,i'll feel we have done what we could have to avoid it.


mpatti -- yes, wierd! i think it's somehow got to be related. i often wonder how this one child of mine has pandas, 2E and supernumerary teeth -- all supposedly very rare conditions.


i love the natalie merchant song Wonder. "I confound you and astound you " she wrote it when she did work with special needs kids.



I didn't know that about that Natalie Merchant song! Cool! I like it, too.


Continued happy/warm thoughts for you and DS!


Finally, regarding the "rareity" of all these conditions? I can't help but think, "Rare, schmare!" I don't know if it's evolution or the way in which we're messing with the natural course of things through all of our environmental and food source meddling, but I don't think these truly are rare, or that, if they are as of today, they'll continue to be considered so in the decades to come. I think maybe we're just now coining terms and "labels" for many of these "conditions." I, for one, can look back at my own childhood and see many of the traits in my own history, as well as recall many "weird" kids I went to school with who would certainly fit much of the symptomology and/or phenotypes we're identifying in our own youngsters these days.

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