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Tested positive for Bart/ anyone is AZ?

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Hello to all.


My dd8 just tested positive for Bartonella last week. She tested below normal on her Igg in March and super high on her Hppv antibodies so the dr has been treating her for viral and bacterial since then. She has had awful herx on her antibiotics too several times (because I was confused and could not reach dr and did not continue them a few times). The herx lead us to take the imuno science Lyme test which was negative for Lyme but positive for Bartonella.


She is now taking


Azithromycin (she's already been on this for several months)


Bactrim (just M-Th)


She is starting on Banderol drops with Samento drops to be added and CSA tinture to be added.


Resveratrol (to help GI tract)

N-AC (to help liver)

Red Marine Algae (for Hppv virus)

Pure Encapsulations - O.N.E. Multi Vit (for MTHF gene mutation also discovered in blood test)


I am glad we have at least figured it out and our Dr (Dr Alarcio) is well versed on PANS and all of this. I am very worried and would love to know if there are and private parent groups in AZ or do people all talk on this board?


She has had ongoing issues with anxiety, ADD and frustrations for the last few years along with extreme frustration with writing. At first they said it was because she was highly gifted and then it was she has general anxiety and ADD you should try meds but go see this neurologist first to see if it could be biological instead of mental. The neurologist said her blood tests indicated she was fighting an infection and that the Herx indicated it was one that would qualify for PANS that it was impacting her brain and behavior and to hold off on pych meds. Is it possible that she has had it this whole time and it was gone into remission or was very light at times? She had a good 6-7 months in K 1.5 years ago and then it hit in 1st grade really bad -- got better and then she had strep and it got worse and then the herx made it REALLY bad (seriously crazy rage).


She had a really weird insect bite almost looked like the target tick bite but not red (was a bruise purple on outside and pink on inside and it started shooting down her arm towards hand with a purple line --Husband took her to urgent care and they said it could be insect or cactus but that it was infected so they gave her antibiotics but no follow up test -- It was so weird and was almost 5 years ago (she was almost 3). it could have been that or anything else I am just worried that she could have had this for that long and it won't ever go away due to being untreated. I just have so many questions and worries - thanks for letting me go on and on.

Thanks! - A

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Because you are using some of Buhner's herbs for babesia/bartonella, I think you would be well served by reading his 2 coinfecion books. You will learn plenty from them.


Buhner uses both artemesia and CSA for babesia, but CSA was one of the herbs that really helped resolve DD's remaining bartonella symptoms - she did have an asymptomatic, negatively testing (through Igenex) strain of babesia which showed up as a herx when I introduced CSA.


Buhner says not to use artemesia over the long term. You will know if it is working (it might not depending on your daughter's strain of infection) and if it is, 30 days should be sufficient.


It sounds like you are hitting a lot of really good bases with her protocol, but a couple more I would suggest:


A good multistrain probiotic at least twice daily, the last preferably right before bed so it has the night time to colonize. We also eat homemade probiotic inoculated sauerkraut daily.


Detox protocols including plenty of magnesium (to bowel tolerance) throughout the day, Epsom salt baths if she isn't sensitive to sulphate, fresh lemon juice with water and stevia a couple of times daily.


Her psychiatric issues (ADD, raging, frustration etc.) and fine motor difficulties will improve with bartonella treatment, but be aware that herxing will cause these symptoms to flare until her body is able to detoxify from die-off.


DD had been dealing with ADHD and SPD until a bite with a rash as you described (not to mention her 7yo MMR booster 2 weeks before which may have been responsible for compromising immune function). Bruise-like colour with a reddish ring around the periphery. At that point Tourette's began along with the other PANS symptoms.


At this point our pediatric psychologist has rescinded DD's diagnoses of Tourette's, ADHD, SPD and motor delay and she no long requires IEP accommodations in school. The turnaround has been amazing.


Your daughter will heal just fine. Keep up the good work.

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My 9yr old just tested + for Bart last after searching for factors leading to cough and motor tics. We saw Dr. B's partner and started on Azithro and Bactrim . We are taking a strong probiotic and an immune support sup that was recommended by our trusted sup store. We do have detox issues, which may be why symptoms seem to be slightly escalating with treatment(is that anyone's experience). I have tried Mag in past with mixed results and am not sure how much I am comfortable doing at the same time. I have had such an emotional 3 yrs and have observed so many bad reactions to supps. My son is MTFR 1298 homozygous which is appearing to be a factor here. I would appreciate any moral support and advice on what I should try next.


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