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hi there. I'm usually over on the PANDAS board but I've been reading with great interest and hope about the supplements used for tic relief. My DS10 is in treatment for lyme but it is slow going (one abx plus herbals). He could really use some relief from his severe tics especially his shrieking swearing vocal tics. He also has some sensory issues.


I have read about using l carnitine and taurine and how excess glutamate in the brain can cause tics. L carnitine helps with that, maybe taurine too? Is there a chance that my sons tics can be alleviated even slightly? Has anyone's Pandas child been helped with these supplements?


From personal experience, the answer is yes....but then my son did not have Lyme Disease and so the parameters are different.

If your physician agrees, then perhaps a trial to see what may help? We were always advised to add one supplement at a time and to see the effects and then either remain on it if beneficial and slowly add the next etc etc


I hope this works. I'm really getting tired of the swearing. If it were quiet it wouldn't be so bad, but swearing at the top of his lungs is kind of grating on me.


Would two weeks be enough time to see if it has an effect or not?


If it is actual coprolalia, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may be additionally helpful.

It really is hard to comment as the root cause of your child's tics appears to be Lyme, whereas I can really only comment from a TS perspective


Yes, I understand. Initially I didn't want to use any supplements for reducing the tics because I thought they wouldn't work. But from what I have read of other parents' experiences, sometimes the supps do work, whether they have PANDAS or not. It is still very individual, I get that. Well, we will see what happens! Fingers crossed!

  • 4 months later...

Yes, I understand. Initially I didn't want to use any supplements for reducing the tics because I thought they wouldn't work. But from what I have read of other parents' experiences, sometimes the supps do work, whether they have PANDAS or not. It is still very individual, I get that. Well, we will see what happens! Fingers crossed!

How did you make out with this chubbermommy? We are also dealing with lyme. Just wondering how the tics are? Are you on abx still?

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