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Hi all. Our Doctor told us that despite the negative yeast results for our son's stool analysis (he says this is common & also common with the blood tests) that he may very well treat him for yeast overgrowth. He says that prior to the lab work that is available to us now, they would treat yeast based on observation/symptoms. He says that even though the tests are negative that yeast may still be active in our son's G.I.


Has anyone been treated for candida/yeast in this manner? My husband & I find this odd & would love to know if anyone out there has experienced this as well.


Thanks so much!


With kind regards, Pam



I just want to say that my son's stool test didn't show any candida, either. It was only an organic acid test that showed a very high level of d-arabiniol, yeast metabolite.


Even if your son does not have a yeast issue (although it is true that stool analysis results cannot be trusted in this matter) anti-candida treatment will not make any harm if you use natural remedies like caprylic acid and probiotics or even nystatine as well as anti-candida diet.

Hi all. Our Doctor told us that despite the negative yeast results for our son's stool analysis (he says this is common & also common with the blood tests) that he may very well treat him for yeast overgrowth. He says that prior to the lab work that is available to us now, they would treat yeast based on observation/symptoms. He says that even though the tests are negative that yeast may still be active in our son's G.I.


Has anyone been treated for candida/yeast in this manner? My husband & I find this odd & would love to know if anyone out there has experienced this as well.


Thanks so much!


With kind regards, Pam


Thank you Irena for responding. Your imput is valuable. We will be meeting w/our Dr. w/in the next 2 weeks & we want to be as prepared as possible so that we (Dr. & my husband & I) can come up with the best natural way to strenthen our son's immunity.


With kind regards, Pam




I just wanted to 2nd the opinion that Ireana gave.


It was only an organic acid test that showed a very high level of d-arabiniol, yeast metabolite.


The Great Plains Lab does an OAT (organic acid test) that is highly regarded for yeast overgrowth, among other things. It is a urine test. Many people have reported negative stool, with high marker in urine.

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