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possible PANDAS, any sugggestions/outlooks appreciated

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Hi! My son recently (past couple months) has no been himself. He is usually very outgoing, carefree, and easy going... nothing really phases the kid. He is 5.The past couple months he has been very anxious, sensitive, and he even developed a left eye twitch. I brought this up to the pediatrician and she associated it with OCD/Anxiety. He always has to have things in certain areas, and lined up each way and if its goes missing or disturbed he will either get angry or upset. So needless to say my husband and I agreed on him seeing a counselor so we could learn to deal with all of these new changes our son is going through, and how to help control his twitching/anxiety. Today I met with the counselor and after questions about my baby, and his history we discussed his history of STREP. He usually gets strep a couple times a year, back in 2012 he even had an abcess near his rectum that he had to have surgery that was from strep. My son tested for strep 3 days ago. The counselor wants to discuss PANDAS with the pediatrician to see if this is a possibility. Does this sound like PANDAS?... Its just so out of character for my little guy lately and it makes me so sad.

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Yes, this is definitely a good possibility. Was he accurately treated for all his strep infections? Many of us find that regular amoxicillin just is not strong enough to completely eradicate all of the strep and if it was not properly treated it can go into hiding, possibly in biofilms, etc.... You should start with your pediatrician to see how open he is to treating this with long term abx, tonsilectomy, etc... If not find a doctor who is. The sooner your son can start treatment the easier this will be to control.

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