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My son over the course of a month developed a neck and jaw tic. What I have noticed so far is it's worse in high stress situations - he plays select baseball and it's terrible on the field; he can refrain from doing it but eventually has to let it go; I have felt his neck pop like a knuckle while he was refraining from a tic doings some relaxation exercises based on some CBT theories. He has severe environmental allergies and we have done shots in the past - we stopped Claritan 3 weeks ago thinking the tic was a side effect. We are currently on day 6 of a 90% organic elimination diet, started natural calm, and fish oil, experimenting with peppermint, lemon, and lavender essential oils for allergies but haven't noticed much change yet, have had one craniosacral session, read Natural Treatments for Tics & Tourette's, and he is taking Epsom Salt Baths, and lots of prayer....we are 4 weeks in and I can't remember ever being so stressed!


I appreciate any guidance. I am considering several things... homeopath who utilizes EPS, an acupuncturist that does NAE and acupressure with kids, more/different essential oils, chiropractor, and obviously we need some labs done but we have a high premium high deductible insurance so need to figure out the high priority ones? Any thoughts or guidance? Any doctor recommendations for DFW?



You had posted this on the ADD/ADHD forum but it looks like it is a better fit here on TS/tics


It sounds like you are doing good things to try to help. I do want to mention the fact that pesticides/industrial chemical fertilizers can be tic triggers and so he may be reacting to those on the baseball field? As he already has a sensitized system due to environmental allergies, this may well be an additional factor?


An environmental physician may be a good place to start, preferably one with experience treating kids with tics.

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