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My husband has Tourette's syndrome and describes something like what your pediatrician is saying about a feeling and working it out. My husband's main tic is in his nose (he blows air out of it) and he says he feels like he has to blow air out his nose because he is constantly trying to get it to feel just right. Last year we took him to a doctor who is certified in habit reversal therapy. He told my husband to do the opposite of his tic. Since his main tic is in his nose he started there and told him when he feels the urge to "get his nose just right" he needs to breath air in through his nose and out through his mouth. This is he opposite of his tic. My husband is 37 years old and has tried everything. The habit reversal therapy is the only thing that has worked long term for him and has reduced his tics by 90% and we are hoping it continues. I'm sure it's not for everyone but thought I'd share his story in case it could work for your son. my husband also tried the tmj mouthpiece. It completely cleared his tics for 2 weeks. After he went in for an adjustment 2 weeks later his tics came back. There seems to be such a connection for him with teeth and tics. His tics started when he started losing teeth as a child, he has a bad bite and tmj. He has never had braces or treatment for his tmj. I just wonder of he would have if his tics would have gotten better. anyway, I'm rambling but just wanted to respond to you and let you know that my husband has been though it and after 37 years has found something that has helped him. We also have 2 beautiful children and he is a very successful in his career. Everything will work out!!!

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