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Low Hemoglobin Levels


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I showed low hemoglobin levels today. My result was 10.2 and the reference range is 12-15. My multi vitamin does contain iron. This test was not performed my chelation doctor. Should I be concerned about my levels? Should I be contacting my chelation doctor about this or not worry about it?



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You should definitely talk to your chelation doc about this. I think you could be chelating the iron and sometimes with chelation you lose so many nutrients that it is hard to keep up on all of them. Keep an eye on this and talk to your chelation doc.


I noticed that from taking cysteine or NAC that my zinc levels were lower because the NAC can chelate zinc. So many things can effect your suppplementation that it can seem like a never-ending process of tweaking your supplements to get them just right. This may be something that needs more fine tuning.


And it could be that some supplement you take might possibly be chelating iron. That is a guess of course, but the chelation you are doing is probably the likely cause. But sometimes when you do a complex process like chelation and the necessary supplementation that goes along with it that makes it hard to know exactly why you are low in hemoglobin. If you take calcium that may interfere with the iron you are getting from meat. Who knows what the cause of this is, could be a number of things, but it is definitely something to let your chelation doc know about and keep an eye on.

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