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Don't let your doctor disempower you when dealing with tics

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Many on this board have told us that when they see a doctor about tics, they're given some combination of this advice:

  • It's probably a transient or temporary tic that will get better on its own. There's nothing you can do—but don't worry.
  • Your child has Tourette syndrome. The tics will "wax and wane," (come and go) and this is one of the mysteries of Tourettes.
  • The best thing you can do is simply reduce stress.
  • The tics aren't bad enough to offer medications because they are very strong. Come back when the tics are worse.
  • I can offer you Drug A and we can see if it helps. If not, come back and we can try Drug B.
  • There is no connection with diet.
  • Natural therapies or allergy approaches are no help.


Families are often annoyed with their neurologist or pediatrician for not being more helpful. Or for dissing them if they suggest they have seen a diet connection or other trigger for tics. But it's not entirely their fault!


Doctors get their advice from the national Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA). For years the TSA has gone out of its way to make sure you don't use simple, natural approaches. It's appalling but true.


Check out my latest article in the series that shows how the TSA discourages families from finding helpful approaches that you could start looking into today.


The first comment to the linked article is fabulous, check it out. Then please add your own comment.




Children and families deserve better. Things won't change until we all make it happen!



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