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My DS on ABX for almost 40 days now. Last night he was so sick. Vomiting, diarehea....Just awful .....All night.


I was wondering the ABX could be ruining his gut making him more susceptible to viral issues. He gets a probiotic.


Maybe I should increase probiotic. My spouse wants him off ABX. Thinks its the culprit.


Some abx are harder on the gut than others, that's for sure. How many units of probiotics is he getting on a daily basis? And are you spacing them apart from the abx? Even though some strains are supposed to be impervious to abx and therefore not readily killed off, spacing them apart helps ensure that the healthy bacteria sticks around in the gut for a while.


Have you tried sachromycces boulardi (sach B)? It's behind the pharmacist's counter in a brand name FloraStor, and you can also get generic (less expensive) versions of it at places like Whole Foods and Vitamin Shoppe (we use a Jarrow brand). Sach b is especially effective against diarrhea and was very successful for us during abx.


Hang in there! If the abx are otherwise having a positive impact on your DS, I would try to stick with it an increase probiotic supplementation to help offset these gut negatives. Might also try staying away from dairy, if you can, as that might exacerbate both the nausea and the diarrhea.

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