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My 8 yr old takes hours in the morning to get ready for school which she is usually late. If her collar is not right she takes it off until it is, and she has velcro trainers if they are not fastened exactly in the right place you can hear them being fastened over and over again.

She comes in from school eating her packed lunch on the way home. Then nothing but insults 'freak' 'i hate you' 'get a life' as soon as she comes through the door. She then sits watching cable till after midnight and is obviously tired when its time to get up.


Is she suffering from either or is she very badly behaved

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if I may comment honestly on this....why is an 8 year old being allowed to stay up watching cable till after midnight? and also speaking to a parent that disrespectfully. There may well be a lack of discipline underlying much of her behaviour IMHO, and it is up to you as the parent to set rules and boundaries to ensure that she treats you with respect and goes to bed at an age appropriate time. This doesnt have to be accomplished harshly, but it does take firmness and consistency from you as the parent


In terms of the issues like the collar and the velcro needing to be "just right"...this does sound like OCD, but only a qualified physician can make a diagnosis as to whther she has OCD, ADHD or both


It may be very helpful to consider counselling, both for her behaviour and also to help establish the right approach to parenting a child with these issues, and also Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very very helpful to her

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