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My 8 year old has started chanting these words or sounds that sound Chinese over and over. I don't think they are real words. Sometimes he says three or four different sounds together and at other times it's just one. For example "me me meow, me me meow, me me meow" other times it's "me miou"

He does not have any tics. He is also complaining that no one wants to befriend him at school because he make funny sounds and voices all the time. This is all new and seemingly strange


Have you ever seem this?


My 8 year old makes similar sounds in a Pandas episode. I do consider them vocal tics...maybe I am wrong. He is also aware on some level that these, and also some of his other symptoms that he brought to school with him has alienated friends.....this saddens my heart, because these are all such great kids....the sounds are classic to my ds...


I would also say they are vocal tics. I joined a TS board on FB because that was our original diagnosis... IT sounds like many of the things they describe. Does he realize he is doing it? Can he stop?


Hmmm. Interesting. These just started happening in the past few days and I didn't ask him about them bc I didn't want to make a big deal about it or draw attention to them. He did it in the car yesterday, and while attempting to homework and maybe a few other times when he was in his own little world.


Thanks for the input. He's never he ticks before. I didn't think he was in a flare as things are just starting to settle down even though it's still not easy. But we have in the past few weeks been weaning him of all meds excepts for abx.


We've taken him off clonidine, Zoloft and he is only on intuniv for a couple more days.


I would say vocal tic as well. Before treatment DD would often mutter strange sounds under her breath (sounded like she was talking to an alien), or repeat something she had just said out loud back to herself under her breath (Palilalia).




She still has some palilalia with herxing on herbs, but no longer has the "alien speech" and hasn't had it since treatment started.


You're right in that it doesn't sound like a vocal tic, which is more like a distinct, uncontrolled motion of the throat, tongue or larynx. I think it is better defined as a "--lalia".


DD has had similar but goes on repeating "anyway". I also think it can be described as vocal tic. When she does this, she looses some cognitive ability or self awareness. If I catch her early enough she will tell me it's getting harder to think. With DD if left along, It predicates a rage episode.

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