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Hello I'm new here I went to psych and I was snapping my fingers and slapping my belly and he asked me if anyone had ever said that I might have Tourette's syndrome I said no he also asked my mom she said no I have imtellectual disability I have a cousin that had ADHD my aunt said they believe some of her grand kids have it I am adopted my adopted aunts believe I have ADHD and OCD I can't read good or spell good I can't do math at all I was passed on d and f in school I have out burst of anger I throw a chair through the house window and was talking to ex girlfriend and through a small brick through the window I use Siri to search google when I can't spell a word I have what I think are tics I smell my fingers I make weird noises I have this sound that comes from my throat sound like a hissing sound do you all think I could have Tourette's and ADHD OCD as well


Hi Nipper


How old are you?


There are so many things that could be causing the symptoms you have so it really is impossible to say if it could be TS.


Neurologists are usually the doctors that diagnose TS

But many people are told they have TS whgen in fact their tics are caused by something sle...like food or environmental allergies and even things like strep or other infections

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