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I wanted to relay results of my son's food sensitivity testing. It's kind of interesting. I'd love to know what you all think.


If you recall, we did do an elimination diet through DAN doc for a month. I didn't really see any clear improvement so we never really did any reintroduction to see if any foods were reactive to him. The Alcat test shows severe intolerance, strong intolerance, and mild intolerance, and no reaction. Well, here's an interesting tidbit. He had one food at top of list showing severe intolerance--FLAXSEED! I've been giving him flaxseed oil for almost a year. And while on the elim. diet, I kept going back and forth with fish oil and flax, cause I kept feeling uneasy about the fish oil since many here have said they don't tolerate it well. And recently I buy this bottle of flax/borage oil and have been giving it for about a week. I'm wondering if that explains anything?


Six foods were strong intolerance - bakers yeast, corn, eggplant, onion, pork, and sweet potato......

I've been giving him bologna everyday for lunch on that diet and since; that's pork, right? Also, gave him sweet potatoes quite a bit, even cooked it in microwave and sent in lunchbox. Does anyone think that's kind of telling? I always wondered why I saw no improvement on that diet. I really hope this explains it. (BTW, no reaction to gluten or casein, although I'm surprised about the casein. I would have put money on that, guess I was wrong.)


So now I have to find some yeast free breads. Do ingredient labels usually state "yeast". I haven't really seen it on any of the breads and baked goods we have. Is it just assumed? Are there such things as yeast free cookies? Carolyn?


He is also getting alkaline water (with some extra homeopathic drops). Something on his blood test (anion gap) showed a little hight and apparently that means too acidic. Also she advised to stay on the B12 shots. I feel like she's kind of thorough and I feel comfortable with her approach. I pray we're heading down the right track.


Heavy metal challenge showed lead and mercury coming outat a greater level than others. Its there, not off the charts high, but there. I think we will address that later after seeing how he does next couple weeks.


So, I'm like hopeful that there's something in all this. Have many here had an actual food sensitivity testing, Igg or Alcat? Does it really help to avoid the foods?


Thanks for any feedback,



Hi Faith,


Glad you got your son's test results back. It seems that when going on an elimination diet we tend to rely heavenly on the foods your children or we like. We end up eating those foods that we really like, but didn't test positive(or common trigger foods) on a daily basis. I know that's what I did for a long time. It backfired on me though, and I ended up becoming sensitive to those foods really fast.


I would say that it's very likely that flaxseed is a problem for your son and you should remove it since the test showed that as being so highly reactive. I'm curious to know if you son likes & eats every food that showed up as reactive on the test?


Has your son had any gluten or casein lately? If not they may still be trigger foods, but just didn't show up on the test since they haven't been eaten lately.


Yeast free breads are hard to find. I've never been brave enough to try any store bought ones. There's only one brand that I can think of, but I can't think of what it's called right now. I've made my own, but they have issues raising. I don't eat much breads anymore or cookies. I've found that once I removed sugar (with a few mess ups here and there) I no longer even want cookies, not even the ones with stevia. I've had a whole container full of cookies for atleast a month now and haven't eaten any. I do like them and ate them a lot while I was first eliminating sugar.


In regards to your question of whether there are yeast free cookies, cookies don't have yeast so that shouldn't be a problem there. Not for sure if you meant bread or cookies, but if you meant yeast free bread I addressed that above. Also there's quick breads that don't have yeast.


I've had food sensitivity testing as I'm guessing your probably aware of because I've posted the results for both times. Did the lab that did your testing give you a sample rotation diet & booklet with food group listings? Mine did which allowed me to come up with a simple, but good rotation diet. Avoiding the foods really helps me as my tics are really affected by food allergies. On Tuesday I messed up and ate a McDonalds Double Cheeseburger, french fries, a slice of pizza, a brownie, and an oreo mccflurry. I felt it for the rest of the night and the next day until I did my allergy shots. I had a horrible headache, increased tics, and some moodiness. So for me it does make a huge difference. I can finally say that I'm seeing yeast being eliminated through my stools also. Recently it was explained to me what yeast looks like so I now know what it looks like. It's been coming out for probably about two weeks now. It amazes me at how toxic my body is.


I also wanted to mention that you may have to eliminate all the trigger foods that the test showed before you notice any difference.


I really hope this doctor is the one you've been looking for and you're on the right route for your son now. I agree that you should wait on the heavy metals for now. If you do decide to go in that direction eventually take time to research all the options available first as there are many. There's EDTA, DMPS, DMSA, ALA in the forms of transdermal, oral, iv, suppository. Theres also Detoxamin which is EDTA suppository. There's also natural ones such as Chlorella, PCA-RX, and NDF Plus. There's so many to choose from and also a few choices of protocols such as the DAN or Andy protocol. So it's best to research first and decide on the plan first. I can't remember if you've said already, but does your son have any amalgam fillings? I would guess not since you did the challenge test, but some doctors seem to leave these things out. If he does have any amalgam fillings, don't do any chelation until those are out.






I have read string cheese, melted cheese, and cottage cheese.




My youngest son, didn't show any sensitivities to wheats, but he clearly has a reaction with crackers, pretzils etc. I was surprised too.


We use Houston enzymes anytime he eats those foods and it does help.


Hi Sunshine,


The yeast was pointed out to me by a colon hyrotherapist during a session this weekend. The yeast were large neon colored chunks. I'm hoping that with a few more colon hydrotherapy sessions, managing my diet, probiotics, and Candida Clear I can get rid of this big bad yeast. This session was considered a very sucessful session because it's very hard to get rid of candida. I'm guessing candida can look different for each individual, but anyways this is what my candida looks like.




Thanks Carolyn,


Yay about cookies not having yeast. I wasn't sure. (but I'll still have to avoid corn, which I usually avoid corn syrups anyway). The foods he reacted strongly to were not things he really likes except for the pork being balogna and hotdogs, but he did have that very often since it was allowed on the elimination diet, and it was all I could get him to eat for lunch when in school. He has had breads lateley and although never drinks cows milk, he did have pizza cheese once in a while and also hidden dairy like whey, do you think that's enough casein for the test? I did give him a few splashes of milk in his cocoa and mac n cheese in days before the blood draw. But that's interesting about getting sensitive to foods you eat alot, I'd read about that. He's always been like that, being such a picky eater, when he finally liked something I would just let him have it everyday, and he'd have waffles for breakfast for like two months straight, and peanutbutter and jelly sandwich everyday last year for lunch. There is a rotation schedule, but I think we don't have to do that right away. She just wants to see how does off the main culprits and other remedies next couple weeks. I have to stress to him how we have to change around. We got some yeast free bagels last night and man, it was bad. It tasted sour, but I think it was spelt, maybe I should've looked harder but the store was closing. Isn't that funny about the flaxseed? I'm always hearing that some people don't do well on the fish oil, and here we are using flaxseed oil and that's his severe intolerance!


Also, no he doesn't have amalgams, do dentists still use that? I think I asked the dentist a while back and they said they don't. It would be obvious right? Like silver? I don't see that in his teeth, and don't laugh but I can't remember if he ever had a cavity filled, I think maybe one. The naturo did ask us that. I have mentioned my concerns about chelation, and she does say it has to be done right. So it does sound like she is knowledgable about it and the receptionist did say there are different ways to do it depending on what your tests show. Right now she's preparing him for that with mineral drops should it come to that.


Interesting about the yeast coming out,--curious, why are you having hydrotherapy? Is that like colonics? And I'm kind of curious as to where you got mercury toxicity. Did they have that in vaccines when you were young?







I would think that would be enough casein for the test, but I'm really not for sure. That's great that he can have casein & gluten then. Switchen to gluten free flours is a big change. Was your son always a picky eater? I wasn't at all picky until the age of two and then stopped eating all of my favorite foods along with clothing & sock sensory issues.


I don't think most dentists still use amalgam fillings. Yes, amalgam fillings show up in the mouth. If your son has had a cavity filled, he must have tolerated it pretty well if you don't remember. During my first time of having a cavity filled using the numbing shot at age 10, I got up from the dentist chair and ran away from him screaming. I hid behind the chair in the waiting room My younger sister was only five years old and still gives me crap about that now. lol


I'm having hydrotherapy because one of my doctor's suggested it for the yeast over a year ago. Yes, it's like colonics. I went one time a little over a year ago, but never went back for a couple of reasons. I felt the therapist was really pushy as I'd tell her that it hurt really bad(as in the cramping) and I'd get the response back that it couldn't hurt too bad otherwise you'd be yelling instead of saying that in such a quiet voice. Even though I said it in my quiet shy voice, I really meant what I said. The other thing was that she pushed the fact of me drinking several glasses of water before leaving the office. The other thing was at the time I was starting back to college & quiting my full-time job so I was quite limited financially.


I got some additional state funding for my college and so I was able to try the colon hydrotherapy again. I had intentions of going back eventually, but had to wait until I got some additional funding for school. I thought I'd give it a try again to see if it would help in eliminating the yeast since my doctor suggested it and also Donna Gates from the "Body Ecology Diet" recommends it for Autistic patients along with her diet. I went back to the same therapist that I went to before with better luck. She wasn't pushy like she was that time a year ago. She said it may only take 1 or 2 more sessions, but we'll see where we are with the yeast and everything next week.


I got mercury toxicity from three different places. One being vaccines. Yes, vaccines had mercury in them when I was young. Another reason being my four amalgam fillings that I had in my mouth. The third reason being that when my mom had me she had an amalgam filling in almost every tooth of hers and still does.



Interesting about the yeast coming out,--curious, why are you having hydrotherapy? Is that like colonics? And I'm kind of curious as to where you got mercury toxicity. Did they have that in vaccines when you were young?







I would think that would be enough casein for the test, but I'm really not for sure. That's great that he can have casein & gluten then. Switching to gluten free flours is a big change. Was your son always a picky eater? I wasn't at all picky until the age of two and then stopped eating all of my favorite foods along with clothing & sock sensory issues.


I don't think most dentists still use amalgam fillings. Yes, amalgam fillings show up in the mouth. If your son has had a cavity filled, he must have tolerated it pretty well if you don't remember. During my first time of having a cavity filled using the numbing shot at age 10, I got up from the dentists chair and ran away from him screaming. I hid behind the chair in the waiting room. My younger sister was only five years old and still gives me crap about that now. lol


I'm having hydrotherapy because one of my doctor's suggested it for the yeast over a year ago. Yes, it's like colonics.


I got mercury toxicity from three different places. One being vaccines. Yes, vaccines had mercury in them when I was young. Another reason being my four amalgam fillings that I had in my mouth. The third reason being that when my mom had me she had amalgam fillings in almost every tooth of hers and still does.




I just started my elimination diet 3 weeks ago. I am also attempting to rotate my foods. I didnt have the 3-10 day "healing crisis" that they said might happen. But after the first week I have been waking up every morning feeling like someone beat the crap out of me the day before. My vertigo is worse. I have my 2 day headaches back (I didnt have them for awhile) and depression seems to be a constant friend now.


What gives? It has been three weeks and I eliminated every food that the ALCAT told me to including yeast, sugar, wheat, dairy and tomatoes and others.


Anyone else have a similar experience? Or know where to send me for help?





I would think that is a Good sign. I think the healing crisis doesn't have to be the first week, but just as the body starts to withdraw from offending foods and than starts to heal. I'd think the healing would take some energy away from the rest of the body as so can cause the symptoms of being really tired and well, miserable. I would keep going and you should start to feel better real soon as your body adjusts. And drinking lots of water shoud help to eliminate old toxins. Just my unscientific thoughts.


Why did you do the ALCAT test for food sensitivities? You don't mention if you have tics or tourettes. If so, have you seen or feel any improvement in that area? My son is about 9 days of eliminating offensive foods (which can be challenging because of trying to eliminate all corn derivatives and yeast, but I think we are managing) and I do see an improvement in his head shake and eye blink, but the vocal is still lingering. I think if we went through all the effort and expense, we should just keep trucking, for then we will never know if we gave up too soon. I've read lots of places that you may feel worse before better.


I'd like to know how long anyone else feels health improvements should take too.


good luck,



Thanks Faith for your input. I do not have tics or Tourettes. This is the only forum that I found talking about food sensitivities today and hoped someone could either offer advice or send me in the right direction. If I dont belong on this forum that is o.k. If you know of one that would be better suited for me, do tell.


My symptoms are a type of non-spinning vertigo (I do get the spins a couple times a year), headaches and tingling in my hands. I had GB after a bought of the stomach flu which started the tingling. The vertigo started 2 weeks after the birth of my daughter (11 years ago). Headaches are recent.


I picked the ALCAT because it seemed like a good place to start. Some of the foods that I showed sensitive too, I had long suspected, so no surprise there. For instance I had cut out beef, spinach, squash and most corn a long time ago. Getting rid of all of the corn is the trickiest I believe. It is in everything! And I was still taking supplements with geletin caps. Geletin comes from beef.....So those are out for me now.


But I also showed sensitive to some foods that surprised me.


Ive lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks that I did not need to lose. This is of concern and even though I feel I am eating enough food, I just keep losing weight. Perhaps more ways my body is getting rid of toxins....Hoping it will level off.


You are so right in that you have to keep trucking or you will never know for sure.

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