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Hello, I am Danielle. I am 35 years old and living with Tourettes. I had my first onset at age 7, but was not diagnosed until I was 32. I found this forum when searching for the Paleo diet. One of the threads here from a year or so ago prompted me to search for the ketogenic diet. I did the paleo diet before, and I did loose weight and experienced a decrease in Tourette symptoms. I just got lazy and went off, but now I am determined to get back on. I am glad that there is an entire forum dedicated to Tourette's and I hope to be able to post there often.


Hi Danielle, I have a son with tics aged 8. In my journey to help him this forum has helped to direct me on a whole new path of discovery about nutrition and biochemistry. He has definitely benefit from a change in lifestyle, detoxification from heavy metal and upping his nutrients. I have made changes in the home and gone chemical free, as well as dietary changes.

Not only have I made changes for my children, but I have also gone on the Paleo diet just for my own health, because when you start to look at what is added to processed foods or GM foods it is freightful, no wonder we are getting fatter and there is an increase in diseases like cancer. My kids are not fully Paleo, but I try to make better choices for them and it's about baby steps with their taste, a lot that I eat, they will turn their noses up at.

But welcome to the forum, I hope you gets lots of good information from it. I'm very thankful that it exists because unlike your parents, we have access to so much more information today and not just from experts, but from real people and families going through this.

  • 3 months later...

Hi Danielle

I have just discovered this forum. I am 37 and was diagnosed about age 20. You sound very similar to me! My tics began age 7 with mouth opening/stretching, then others came like jerking me stomach people always said "have you got hiccups". I used to just say yes as i was embarrassed .I had a vocal tic for a time it was a short hum sound which i tried to cover by clearing my throat.when I was about 17 another motor tic reared its ugly head, a violent jerking of my neck, i jerk it forward (like a chicken ). I still have it to this day and my neck is so painful and my muscles permanently tense :( . I decided to go back to Neurologist as pain is getting hard to bare. I have started taking Prameprexol (used to treat Parkinsons) It is beginning to help. However i am not convinced i have ts. I say this because i had measles very badly at 9months old and my mum has always said she noticed a jolting in me abdomen straight after, so i am now researching PANDAS. I have been referred to a Professor at UCL Neurology hospital i will be discussing this, will be interesting to see what he thinks. You didn't mention what tics you suffer from ? how has it impacted your life? hope you don't mind me asking.x

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