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My name is Melanie **and I am in CLearwater, Florida. I ofund this site by accident. My 6 year old was diagnised this past Tuesday and it hurts me sooo much to see him like this. The constant watching to see what will set him off this time...I cannot believe how strong he is and now know that restraining him is not the way to go. He doesn't understand what is happening to him, it is just a reaction. But those eyes...god how they look through you. We are on a "call back list" for a psychchiatrist that does specialize in this but what happens until then? Just submit the FMLA paperwork and hope the bruises don't show? Turning as emotional as Owen is, Please Help, Mel

Edited by Chemar
removed last name for pricacy protection
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Ok and thanks. He was diagnosed with PANDAS. I apologize now for I am really not computer literate with posting. My son used to love going to school and was happy...now he is either hyperactive or in a panic...it is exhausting. I know he is frustrated as well. We have been in antibiotics since last monday...I guess I was thinking it would work faster. I was looking for a support group near us.

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Thanks for clarifying...as we have so many different disorders represented on these forums, it's helpful to know that.


Have you heard of Dr Tanya Murphy in the St Pete/Tampa area....

Address: 800 6th St S, St Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone:(727) 767-8230
She is one of the original PANDAS researchers. A pediatric psychiatrist.
Other members may be able to suggest more, but she comes to mind as you are located not far from her. She is a very caring person. (personal experience when my son saw her, even though he is TS not PANDAS)
I would suggest you also post on our PANDAS/PANS forum and look through the helpful threads pinned to the top of that forum
Hoping things get better.
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