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No dairy helped us. There are mouse studies showing inflammation from dairy. My guess when in a flare its able to breach the brain barrier. We were on a wait list and that's what helped us. Also if you use soy make sure it is non GMO. Hang in there.


Oh my, I could write a book on this topic. What haven't I done for rages. Most haven't helped. Some have helped a little. Raging is a very difficult thing to deal with. You don't know how much they can control and how much they can't. You want to believe that surely they can't help it. My daughter went from raging to flat out violent and attacking me. Umm, nope. Not happening. She got bigger and stronger and when it happened I would get so absolutely furious that she had hit me that it was all I could do not to be physical back.


The things that helped were GABA Balance. Also anything that helps with cytokine cascade......We use Cytokine RNA by Holistic Health but this is pretty expensive. Other things that help cytokine cascade are Japanese Knotweed (in high doses). You may want to read Buhner's book on Lyme co-infections. Even if you aren't dealing with lyme, all bacterial infections cause a release of cytokines and his sections on controling cytokine cascade is very interesting. Another thing that we ended up using was Lamictal, a prescription medication used as a mood stabilizer.


What ended up stopping the violence (and I mean completely), was our last visit to USF, doing the CBT / ERP program there. It was quite suprising for me to learn that my daughter really could control the violence. I always thought this was something outside her control when she went into a rage. Then as we implemented the techniques and consequences they taught, she suddenly didn't hit any more. She does still rage from time to time but it's noise, not violence. Big difference.


Things are far from perfect with our daughter. She is still defiant, very OCD, anxious, ect.... But the violence and hitting was something I absolutely could not tolerate. We are still working on the rest.




50mg of niacin (vitamin B3) - helped stop rages w/in the hour. (if you can't find a 50mg capsule, buy what you can and open up the capsule, sprinkle approx 50mg into some food).

Posted (edited)

I wasn't. expecting such mixed responce. When DD had her first series of rage episodes, we were complete disbelief. DD was so shy and had not a violent bone in her body. At the onset her rages lasted about 4 months turning from an episode a day to multiple rages in a day. We were clueless and desperate to consider having he admited. We called a hotline and got clued in on PANDAS. She tested positive for strep and after taking away sugar, glutin free and a round of amoxicillin, her rages stopped for two months. The rages started back increasing as the days passed and ibprophen seemed to curb the intensity or reduce them to shouting in the toilet. Then her rages got worse. She tested positive for bacteria infections and Dr put her on agumentin, while on agumentin she raged on a cycle. three times a day. We learned that the more you try and restrain her the more combative she was. We helped her to have more control over her rage by giving her paper to tear. Mom and brother learned to use pillows. We encourged her to self control. Ibprophen 400mg has some effect but three times a day, we were concerned about long term use so we switched to advil 200mg but its not enough but still seemed to help keep the major rages away. Last month she started raging once a day, and they we brutal. A little over a week ago we tried advil decongestant and the rages stopped. Unwittingly we had given DD 30mg of stimulant twice a day and the rages stopped. I thpught because the box said releaves congestion it had anti-inflammation drug but showing it to doctor he said it wasa stimulant. Dr. Prescribed 20mg of a longer lasting stimulant as a test. We are giving it a try. The box says it is used for treating adhd.


One thing more i wanted to mention DD's rages are not behavior driven. Meaning that they are not the result of a want, need or learned behavior. There are some issues, of cause and effect where she has picked up behaviors theropy is needed and were working through them. I think if she had developed rage behavior resperidol and other phyciatric and ssri's drugs might have helped, but those drugs only make it worse.

Edited by 4Nikki

4Nikki -- just wanted to offer my empathy. My seven year old son, even with his rages, is still described by professionals, and everyone who knows him, as an incredibly sweet child. He is so loving and sweet, but he has experienced rages from his PANDAS and possible Lyme that are insane -- unprovoked biting, shrieking, screaming. He has given his brother a swollen eye by biting him for no reason; this weekend we were at the local market and he went in a second from a smiling little boy at the ice cream counter to raging in a second and biting a child who happened to be wandering by.

Risperdol has just been presecribed to us for this,,,


My son raged because of a need ( in his mind) being denied, tied into OCD. Not being allowed to buy something that his mind has told him he must have is the primary source. These days, the raging episodes are much milder. I'd now call them mad episodes. He had one a few days ago. He wanted to buy a 99 cent app and we said no. He cried for a few minutes then hid behind the couch and refused to go upstairs to bed (it was 8pm). We made him go up and made him take a bath. He was mad but after his bath he apologized and was back to himself.

  On 10/8/2013 at 7:21 AM, peglem said:

Treatment for MTHFR mutations has helped us alot w/ rages. We have dealt with severe rages for a long time. This website greatly helped us to deal with them: http://mychildsafe.org/rage.htm

Lots of good links with great information here.


Thank you!

  On 10/9/2013 at 11:34 AM, nicklemama said:
My son raged because of a need ( in his mind) being denied, tied into OCD. Not being allowed to buy something that his mind has told him he must have is the primary source.


At first we had thought similuar about DD, but as we became more familiar with what was going on our understanding grew. DD also had a need to do her OCD thing when we were away from the house. If we tried to get through wih the errond or task DD's anxiety grew to where it triggered a rage episode or panic attack and meltdown. We understood this without even talking about it. Another thing we noticed is that anxiety could also triger an episode in other circumstances. We have also seen DD use triggers as a ploy toward behaviors, but Dad don't let her get started down that path. Sometime she has done it with mom and gets away with it. Mom has picked up on what appeared to be a suttal difference at first. DD had an assessment at UCLA, and bringing her to the facility armed only with ibprophen was very educational for us. Not because of what the organization offered because they had a schedule and we had a frightened anxiety filled child. Talking with the psychologist, helped us to confirm DD's rage episodes were not behavior driven. DD is getting help for behavior born from her anxiety.

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