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I have a 15 year old son with mild Tourette's - at least, the physical tics are mild, and not much of a problem right now. The ADD and OCD that goes with it, though, are really causing problems in school. He has trouble paying attention in class, and then gets stuck in the black-and-white, oCD-type thinking: "I can't take notes, it doesn't work for me" "I can't review the study guide before a test because i'll do worse" "I have to squeeze all the math problems onto this one page" "This teacher is a jerk, so why should I bother?". He does some tapping and counting, but that part is actually much less this year than last.


He was tried on ADD meds last year but quickly became very depressed, and I'm not willing to try them again. He also felt they didn't help him in the classroom, although his grades were better when he was on them it seemed. I think actually he could compensate for the attention issues if he could overcome the "stuck" thinking, which I believe is a form of his oCD. (He's a brilliant kid, btw, and has no issues with comprehending the material). A little depression maybe thrown in there too, although he currently seems fine everywhere EXCEPT the classroom. His sister had an eating disorder and responded to high-dose Prozac, but I'm reluctant to try him on it as the Prozac also seemed to turn his sister into a forgetful ditz.


Anyway - was planning to give him a trial on Attend, which is a multivitamin/mineral/everything but the kitchen sink supplement for ADD, and was wondering if anyone here had tried it with their Tourette's kids? I'd appreciate hearing about anyone's experience with it.




Hi Ellie and welcome


no, I havent heard of anyone using Attend for TS


for OCD, Inositol plus vit B6 is excellent and safe for all ages

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