Guest Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 (edited) For the past 2 months my tonsils and throat have been a wreck. Backtracking a bit, it started after my trial on valtrex (went very badly). Pain in ears, then nose, then tonsils. They concluded my tonsils were infected b/c of their size (different sizes too), pus, and very inflamed. I was put on azith for a few weeks which helped for 3 days, then omnicef which gave me c-diff, uti, and yeast infection (still battling c-diff, still on flagyl). Anyways, my throat, mainly vocal chords, are in horrendous pain. I can't sing. And that is really messing me up. Hard to talk, to do anything and I've never had it this bad in my entire life. I am a singer-songwriter, so not being able to do the one thing that can stop the ocd and brings joy has been heartbreaking and I fear the worse. The doctor I saw wants to take out tonsils b/c they are so inflamed BUT he said first we'll try acid reflex treatment. I've been on prilosec for a few weeks, 2x's a day, and I am getting side effects from it plus has not helped. It increases benzodiazepines in blood stream and I've been a complete zombie stuck on the couch. We tried nasal spray for constant post nasal drip (it's an antihistamine) and over time it was drugging me really badly as well so I had to quit. I am insanely sensitive to everything medicinal or supplemental, it most certainly must be a clue as to what is wrong with me, I can't tolerate much of anything. Other things tried: manuka honey, gargling salt water.......... Nothing is helping and the post nasal drip seems to be getting worse along with my throat. Still scheduled for tonsillectomy if things don't improve. I'm only worried about getting my singing voice back. Some mornings I wake up and can't speak. Very hoarse. Any thoughts?? P.S. Last night the diarrhea returned and it looks like c-diff so I'm back on flagyl and started probiotics that were recommended here on this forum. I don't know what is going on with my body. Edited August 28, 2013 by Guest
MomWithOCDSon Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Have you tried Pepcid? Could be a 1-2 punch, if you can take it, plus it comes in either 10 mg. or 20 mg. dosages, so if you're especially sensitive, you could start with the "regular" and move up to "maximum strength" should you need it. It's a different med/method of activation than Prilosec. It's a histamine blocker, so it works on both reflux and histaminergic responses like post-nasal drip, itchy eyes, eczema, etc. Within a week of using it daily, my DS's reflux and eczema cleared right up, among other histamine-related issues and behaviors (fight or flight). Worth a try, maybe?
JoyBop Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Im so sorry to hear all of that!!! My son used to have the same symptoms but they were due to severe reflux. Interestingly, it turned out to be caused by H. Pylori. Have you had a stool sample for that? It causes bleeding ulcers in stomach and esophogus and severe reflux. He had it so bad that he had a nodule in his vocal cords that wreaked havoc on his voice and throat. He had to go for voice therapy to retrain him on how to use his vocal cords bc we were told if he didnt he would do permanent damage to them. He was only two at the time and it was a very difficult time for all of us. He had diarrhea as well. Who knows if this is the same thing, but perhaps you could ask you doc to do a stool culture? Our son had all sorts of horrible GI problems and the H. Pylori was discovered on by endoscopy but there are stool antigen tests that are easy and effective at detecting. C-Diff can be tricky to catch on stool sample and you sometimes need to repeat it 3-4 times before you can see a positive test result. Have you ever had an occult blood test done on your stool? That would also be an indicator of bleeding ulcers which could be contributing to all of this. My recommendation would be to go see your PCP and have your stool cultured for the gammet of infections. Reflux that shoots all the way up into your throat can be terribly painful. Removing the tonsils doesn't actually change that, and recovery from surgery with hot stomach acids shooting into the surgical wound site would be not picnic. My son was on 3 different reflux meds including prilosec and zantac but nothing gave him any relief until we caught and treated the H. Pylori and bleeding ulcers. It was a while ago, but I think there were 2 or 3 different antibiotics but a medication that coated the ulcers to allow them to heal. Im not saying that you have the same thing, but it sure sounds similar. By the way, half the worlds population is infected with H. Pylori, but many don't have any symptoms. Once they find it though, they must treat it. Its a fairly quick recovery once caught and treated. ITs worth investigating, anyway. Best of luck and feel better!
qannie47 Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Sorry to hear all of this!! I have terrible allergies and sinus issues...I have a constant drip that inflames my throat. The only thing that helps is the Neti-pod. I use it three times a day, buy nursery water, and it can clear up my issues 100%. I have avoided the use of antibiotics for the last two years with this approach...
Guest Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 Very good suggestions, thanks. I will print this out for my GP appt. tomorrow.
searching_for_help Posted August 28, 2013 Report Posted August 28, 2013 I'm betting JoyBop is on to something here. I'd request to be tested for the H. Pylori. Certainly wouldn't hurt to rule that out. Those acid refux drugs can put you at risk for B12 deficiency, and that can cause a lot of other problems. Might be a good idea to rule that out. I'm reading a book on B12, and it says PPI's like Prevacid, Prilosec, Prontonix, Nexium, Aciphex, Omerprazole, as well as H2 blockers such as Zantac, Tagamet, Axid, and Pepcid, AND antacids: Alternagel, Maalox, MOM, Mylanta, Riopan and Tums can all put you at risk for b12 deficiency, by impairing absorption, and increasing your risk of B12 deficiency. So I'd have the doc check for what's going on BEFORE starting these drugs. I'm a bit sensitive on this topic, as my nurse practitioner has been pushing GERD drugs on me for a while, without really listening to my symptoms. She says most of the time someone complains about breathing problems or chest pain it ends up being acid refux. I was POSITIVE it wasn't, and told her I wouldn't take them unless she could test and be sure. She ordered an upper GI, I requested a lung test and cancelled her upper GI. BTW - I don't have acid reflux, I have mild asthma. Why don't doctors test for the cause, and treat it, instead of always throwing a drug at the symptoms? (Sorry, I'm in my "fed up with medical community" mood!)
JoyBop Posted August 29, 2013 Report Posted August 29, 2013 Please also know that there are several diagnostic tests that can give more info regarding reflux. An upper GI series can verify reflux vs anatomical causes for symptoms. Endoscopy gets a good visual and even biopsies of your intestines, esophagus and stomach. That way you can get to the source if the symptoms to treat the underlying condition. But I still think its worth ruling out things like h pylori on a simple stool test for starters.
Missmom Posted August 29, 2013 Report Posted August 29, 2013 I have not read all the comments so I apologize if this has already been mentioned but I was prescribed acid reflux meds due to a long lasting sore throat. I can't remember which one because I never filled the prescription. I started researching the side effects before taking it and realized the acid reflux meds could actually cause c-diff as a side effect. I had also had c-diff last Christmas and did not want to risk a reoccurrence so I never got it filled. Flagyl is one of the worst abx. I have ever taken so I did not want to go there again. If I were you I would keep the appointment for the tonsillectomy. Hope you feel better soon.
Guest Posted August 29, 2013 Report Posted August 29, 2013 Flagyl is a nightmare, it makes my depression 100X's worse. It makes me crazy fatigued and sleepy. A lot of Lyme doctors prescribe it and I fear people mistake the flagyl side effects as "die off", even my psychiatrist said it made him a complete zombie and he's pretty healthy. I'm on vanco now.
Guest Posted August 30, 2013 Report Posted August 30, 2013 I have the kit for stool sample. What worries me is trying the medications for this. I got really bad side effects from prilosec (so sensitive to everything); it increases benzodiazepine in the system and I was a complete sedated zombie lying in bed every time I took it. Then they put me on nasal spray to dry up drainage and it made me very sedated as well. So I'm terrified to try anything else as I'm already very fatigued and sleepy. Have you guys had better success with anything other than prilosec? Pepcid was mentioned I'll have to see how that is with benzos - ah seems to be fine based off of Umm, the thing I think is getting overlooked is I don't have any other symptoms of reflex and I find it hard to believe this just cropped up at my age. Prior to the throat, it all started with severe ear pain, then it traveled to my nose and I had nose bleeds and scabs, then my tonsils became infected, then the problems with the throat started. But if it is infection, I've certainly been on enough antibiotics to do the job. That is where I think my ENT has missed some things. I'm just scared to try anything else. Everything seems to make me more tired.
Guest Posted August 30, 2013 Report Posted August 30, 2013 Please also know that there are several diagnostic tests that can give more info regarding reflux. An upper GI series can verify reflux vs anatomical causes for symptoms. Endoscopy gets a good visual and even biopsies of your intestines, esophagus and stomach. That way you can get to the source if the symptoms to treat the underlying condition. But I still think its worth ruling out things like h pylori on a simple stool test for starters. That is good information. My mom is an endoscopy nurse so I'm sure she'd know a lot about this and / or be able to ask the GI docs she works with on the daily. Certainly worth mentioning.
cobbiemommy Posted August 30, 2013 Report Posted August 30, 2013 Cryptic tonsils could be harboring infection. That possible lingering infection that doesn't culture could explain some of the symptoms.
JoyBop Posted August 30, 2013 Report Posted August 30, 2013 Also, different abx cover different infections so you can't assume what you've been taking would do any job. It certainly does sound like all those symptoms could be connected. Reflux can be silent, meaning you could have if but not know it. Also you can develope reflux at any age so try to keep an open mind. Prilosec and prepaid are both proton pump inhibitors. I agree you don't want to chase after symptoms, its much better to get to the source. I think if you had a GI doc, scopes could tell you a lot. But usually there has to be at least occult blood in the stool or other findings for insurance to cover scopes. Can you have you mother get you some occult blood test strips? They are called Guiac strips.
Guest Posted September 6, 2013 Report Posted September 6, 2013 Just wanted to give an update. No luck so far with anti acid feflux medications; am on pepcid now. I am on vancomycin in liquid form for c-diff and my throat seems slightly better since starting it. Not sure what this means...... I recently received all my records from my old crummy GP. My first doctor visit with him was at age 5 (I am 27 now) and I am complaining about sore throat and tonsils. Every year till now, I went in about 4 x's with sore throat, enlarged tonsils that were different sizes, and they constantly put me on abx. I frequently complain about post nasal drip and major bladder problems (starting at age 7). Age 8 is the first positive strep. Strep again at age 9. Still won't remove tonsils. Age 12 - first mention of lethargy, migraines, sore throat and tonsils again, bladder getting worse. Age 15 - chronic pain in shins. Age 16 - tired all the time........throat problems and post nasal problems persist. Records of me trialing: nexium and pepcid, tons of nasal sprays, claritin and benadryl, and prednisone briefly without any symptom relief. Age 18 - anorexia suddenly, with depression and insomnia. Continue inflamed tonsils and sore throat. Looked like my GP did very little to help me out with any of this and looking at it all, it is clear that I am getting sicker and sicker each year. Age 20 - ECT (electro convulsive therapy) b/c the doctors claim my fatigue is due to depression. In the records I state that the ECT made me worse and screwed up my memory. Age 21 - severe pain in right hand and movement disorder of right arm. Every doctors visit tachycardia. Onset of bulimia. Age 22 - sudden onset of severe anxiety and constant tachycardia = insomnia Age 22 - 23 - completely bedbound by death like fatigue for all of year 2009 2010 - 24 - onset of ocd present - severe fatigue, post exertional malaise, severe insomnia, non restorative sleep, getting worse every week, obsessions without compulsions, POTS, bladder pain all the time, re-occurring infections, unable to use voice so sore, daily migraines, and etc. Looking at all of these records, it seems like things started back when I was just 5 years old with "sore throat and tonsils". Each year there were new symptoms but that was always they chief complaint. My mother asked many times as they noted to have tonsils removed but they wouldn't. I hope a doctor can look at all of this and put the pieces together. MY QUESTIONS - I had strep when I was 8 and 9 possibly when I was 5, but major stuff didn't show up till a decade later. Is this still possible for pandas? I am confused by the topic of auto antibodies and BBB. Also, if it's not reflux and it's not allergies............what is causing this life long sore throat and post nasal drip? All of these records will be sent to the 2 doctors I am hoping to see by the end of the year. Thanks for any suggestions.
JoyBop Posted September 6, 2013 Report Posted September 6, 2013 Wait, wait, wait!!! Did you say your reflux is better? First, thats awesome! Secondly, I have two theories. One is that perhaps the Pepcid is starting to work. My other theory goes back to H. Pylori. Multiple abx are used, but one of them in vancomycin. Have you done the H. Pylori test yet?
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