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My ds and I have been sick with varying viruses on and off now for the past 8 weeks. We are now getting over some sort of stomach flu or food poisoning and, quite frankly, I'm really just very tired of it all. Usually, ds gets it first and then I get it and somehow my husband never gets any of these things which drives me crazy, lol.


I know that some antivirals and immune support can increase tics or have other negative stress responses in the body. What can I do to boost immunity? We sometimes take echinacea and astragalus and vitamin C. I don't like many multivitamins and try to do a more targeted vitamin plan for him. He tics a lot more when he's sick, too, so the poor kid is definitely in a body that is being stressed right now. He literally had just gotten over a cold and then started again with this stomach thing on Friday. I'm tired of MYSELF getting sick, too, because it doesn't make for a very productive mom, LOL.


Just as an FYI: my son is 14, has ADHD, was diagnosed as having birth trauma to the brain and has learning disabilities as a result of that trauma. We homeschool him and I've experimented over the years with diet restrictions, naturopaths, essential oils, and vitamin supplementation. Nothing has really had an effect on his tics, but right now I'm looking for immune system function support anyway. Maybe I need to find another naturopath and some Eastern Chinese stuff like acupuncture, which I've considered in the past but haven't found the finances for yet?


So sorry you and son have been ill Bonnie


Of the many natural antimicrobials, we have found the most effective to be Olive Leaf Extract and either pure extra virgin coconut oil (we like Nutiva), or the supplement made from coconuts, Monolaurin


There are many other foods and supps that also have antimicrobial benefits, especially garlic, raw honey, cranberries, cilantro etc


Also good to take a natural probiotic like kefir (we like the Lifeway brand)


Echinacea and astragalus and vitamin C are all great for the immune system, as is pycnogenol (pine bark extract) and grape (not grapefruit) seed extract. Plus all antioxidant rich foods.


Hope things get better. (((Hugs)))


Thanks Chemar! He now has a rash on his body that the doctor says is the virus making it's final exit. Gee, that's what I'm hoping. The rash is so bad on his hands and feet, it looks like snake skin. I've applied coconut oil and lavender essential oils on the hands and at certain places where he is bothered by the rash and then he used rose oil on his face for the rash and dry spots.


I've just started researching the benefits of coconut oil and I've just started taking it daily for myself. One thing we've also tried adding in is regular servings of salmon. Luckily, my ds loves salmon and it's an easy meal for us too. I have the olive leaf extract, I just forget to use it, lol. Thanks for the support and best wishes. Hope all is well with you guys in FL!

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