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I have been able to force, cajole, bride, and reason a bath for the last 18 months, but I do not recall a single time that she has requested one since onset. She used to love them! Last night right before bed she wrote down (yup, still not talking) that she wanted to take a bath. I thought maybe she was just stalling bedtime, so I told her first thing in the morning she could take one if she wanted to. She asked again this morning :o . She has a small new toy that is a fish, and I think that prompted her wanting to take a bath. That and reading about Garfield taking a bath :lol: .


That is wonderful. I don't get why they don't want to take a bath? I have to do baby step to get DD in the bath. Start with washing the feet, then the legs and something even her hair before she decides it is ok to take a bath.


Mayzoo I'm very happy for you. Dd3 just had a horrendous scary allergic reaction to bactrim which included a week of >104 fevers. Since she was sick she refuses to get in the bath because she is scared of going down the drain, so I have to shower her. Before the reaction she was always ready to jump in.


That is wonderful. I don't get why they don't want to take a bath? I have to do baby step to get DD in the bath. Start with washing the feet, then the legs and something even her hair before she decides it is ok to take a bath.


Could be a lot of things. At one time I thought is was sensory, the feel of the water possibly hurting her. I wish I knew. When I give her a sponge bath, I wash her hair in kitchen sink, but that can still be traumatic.


Mayzoo I'm very happy for you. Dd3 just had a horrendous scary allergic reaction to bactrim which included a week of >104 fevers. Since she was sick she refuses to get in the bath because she is scared of going down the drain, so I have to shower her. Before the reaction she was always ready to jump in.


Yeah, when a bath is required, I always give her the choice between a shower with her mickey mouse shower head or a bath with bubbles.


Odd part is we put up a pool every year, and all but the last month (time of onset) of pool season 2011 she was a fish. Last year, she was a fish including a new found love of wave pools. This year we just put it up, and she is really wanting to get in today, but the water is not warm enough yet. She played in the shallow water yesterday for hours as it slowly filled up. But ask her to take a bath since PANS onset and :o .


DD won't say why she don't want to take a bath



That is wonderful. I don't get why they don't want to take a bath? I have to do baby step to get DD in the bath. Start with washing the feet, then the legs and something even her hair before she decides it is ok to take a bath.


Could be a lot of things. At one time I thought is was sensory, the feel of the water possibly hurting her. I wish I knew. When I give her a sponge bath, I wash her hair in kitchen sink, but that can still be traumatic.


I've asked DD many times and she always answers, I don't know. I've asked her if she is afraid and she doesn't know what to say. She does that when she doesn't know how to find the words. I'm afraid to ask her if she is afraid she will go down the drain she might start obsessing over it. We are waiting for a in home behavior consultant schedule. I hope they have experience.


Since kiddo usually has no issue with our pool, I have been know to wash her hair in there.......I know :o. But if it works and reduces anxiety and stress for all of us, who cares. It is an 18' round by 4' deep pool. A little shampoo in a private pool will not be the end all of everything :D. As most of us know, nobody wins when you drag a terrified, screaming child into the tub to wash her hair.


She is gladly splashing away right now actually. We have put up a pool for the last 8 years and encouraged her to have a blast in it. She is unable to do most other sport type activities since she has neurological conditions. I have no idea why it is "different" most the time than a bath tub :/. I know she swims like a fish :D!!


DD won't say why she don't want to take a bath



That is wonderful. I don't get why they don't want to take a bath? I have to do baby step to get DD in the bath. Start with washing the feet, then the legs and something even her hair before she decides it is ok to take a bath.


Could be a lot of things. At one time I thought is was sensory, the feel of the water possibly hurting her. I wish I knew. When I give her a sponge bath, I wash her hair in kitchen sink, but that can still be traumatic.


I've asked DD many times and she always answers, I don't know. I've asked her if she is afraid and she doesn't know what to say. She does that when she doesn't know how to find the words. I'm afraid to ask her if she is afraid she will go down the drain she might start obsessing over it. We are waiting for a in home behavior consultant schedule. I hope they have experience.


Yeah, my kiddo is verbally delayed and I have learned the hard way to not to suggest possible answers.........AAAHHHHHHH. If she cannot express it and I cannot guide without actually suggesting an answer, I just accept it and go on hoping some day she will be able to. I hope they have experience too. Are you aware of the "no rinse body bath and shampoo" type products that require no water to get a reasonable clean?


With our February flare, DS doesn't want to bathe or shower most of the time. He gets in a pool eventually, slowly, and then another period of forever before he gets his face and head wet. The kid who brazenly jumped open ocean waves ages 3 and 4! And dragging him to the bath? DH says it's easier to wash the cats!


So happy your kiddo is once again requesting baths :)


I've often wondered the same thing myself. My DS used to be a fish and hopped in the shower with his dad everyday. We used to have to fight him to get out of the tub. Now I have to bribe him every two weeks. He is normally very insightful and can explain why or why not but he just won't budge and won't tell me why when it comes to bathing. Sometimes he will wear the same short for a week while other times he will change his clothes 7 x a day.

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