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My son had a blood test done that was requested by a paed to check for potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium....


All levels were within normal ranges so my question is do ALL people with TS usually have low levels of the above or is it just that those particular things are helpful on a regular basis or is it only a small % that have low levels of them. Just trying to undertand if giving my son extra will be helpful if he already has a normal range?



The only things that showed up different was Globulin - low


Also what other levels would be important to check through a blood test? ie B group vitamins etc..




I don't know of any research suggesting that potassium, calcium, or zinc are "low" in people with TS..........only that they usually benefit from extra magnesium.

Some nutritionists suggest that when one ups magnesium, one should ensure that the calcium and zinc intake is also balanced.


Here is Bonnie Grimaldi's hypothesis



as an FYI

This was Bonnie's original nutritional plan on which I based my son's treatment


She had that page up before she formulated her line of Bontech Sopplements http://www.bonniegr.com/more-info.html


There are some good test suggestions in our Helpful Threads here http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2459

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