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Omnicef for PANDAS?

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We used Amox as a prophylactic for two years. We stopped prophylactics last year and now use omnicef (cefdinir) whenever ds has strep (2x).

It seems to work great for us, PANDAS symptoms start to recede within 24 to 48 hours.

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My DS has been on Azithromycin since May 2012. In January 2013 our Dr added Cefdinir(Omnicef) for a sinus infection. My son is allergic to amoxicillin and the Dr said he may or may not be allergic to Cefdinir. We only gave it to him for 3 days because his anxiety grew worse with each dose. I'm not sure if that was an allergic reaction or an intolerance. But I have read that others have had a good experience with it.

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My daughter only uses cefdinir (omnicef) and we have great success with it. She takes full dose - but typically for only 30 days and she pulls out of a flare quickly.


My son (who is a severe case) was on azith for 9 months with limited success, then switched to cefdinir (omnicef) for 11 months prior to switching to augmentin for 8 months to a combo augmentin/azith for 4 months, adding rifampin for 60 days (tested positive on combo), tried cipro for 30 days - but no back on Augmentin/azith/rifampin combo (second month on it this time around). My son has continued to test positive on abx, which is why we've had to keep rotating. The augmentin/azith/rifampin supercombo is the only thing he has not tested + on. We are headed for our first IVIG next week - so I'm not sure I'd use him as a good example!

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