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Hi there

I am probably asking a question I have asked before but just looking for reconfirmation re magnesium. My son is taking approx 3/4 of a teaspoon of natural calm every morning and having an eps salt bath most nights. So far this has seemed to keep things at bay ( well we think it has it is hard to measure) He is 6 and weighs 25kg....should I be giving him more than this - gradually increasing dose or this an ongoing dose ? The reason I ask is he is suffering a bit of a tic explosion at the moment so I am looking at what to start with him.


It is very overwhelming as I read to know where to start in terms of supplements...I have a list of approx 50 that I have read have helped some people. I keep hearing repeatedly that a good multi and maybe fish oil, taurine would be good ? I have had the bonnie grimaldi supplements in the cupboard for a while and was holding off using them until we seemed to need them. Do you think I should just start these along with the natural calm and bypass all the others I have read about ?

Where I live in Australia there are not a lot of practictioners out there with any experience or even knowledge of TS, so to do this under someones guidance is difficult.

We have cleaned up his diet A LOT and on the weekend he had a few parties and would have consumed a lot of 'party food' considering his diet doesnt contain much of that stuff anymore. Sausage sizzle, a soft drink, a few chips, birthday cake, fish and chips amongst other things. Now the tics have increased significantly - I cant help but think it is quite connected. It is a tough gig with a 6 year old - he hates missing out and I hate to constantly be depriving him. but what do you do ?!

really appreciate anyones feedback re natural calm dose and supplement suggestions.tonight I bought a tub of magnesium capsules - it says each capsule contains magnesium as amino acid chelate 150mg. WOuld this be worth giving him with the NC or separately or not at all ?

thanks so much in advance :)




My son is 4 and 33lbs.


I have taken him to an environmental physician and I was told that I should be giving him 300mg of magnesium or to bowel tolerance. I never gave hom 300mg but have gone to 100-150mg.


Unfortunately (not sure if you saw my other post) but my son has reactions/new tics to all magnesium supplements and it seems multi vitamins. Only thing that works for him is Epsom salt baths when comes to mag.


I know my doctor said that kids with tics have many mineral/vitamin deficiencies and environmental allergies/sensitivities. I am trying to ramp up the supplements and have seen improvement with doing that and diet.


Usually I see a flare up once my little guy is getting sick, has dental work done or has had something to eat that he must be sensitive to. I just track and journal as much as possible to find a pattern. In fact, I consulted with one of the physicians in Shiela Rogers book "Natural Tics and Tourettes" and he urged me to keep journaling and being my own best investigator to best help my son.


I guess what I would do is give him the multi (you am ramp up slowly) and see if you see an improvement. At the same time it could just be the food he had at the parties over the last few days that is throwing him off and it will clear.


I know how frustrating it can be because I am in the same boat but hopefully the extra supplementation will help and you notice an improvement. Keep us posted!


Hi there

I am probably asking a question I have asked before but just looking for reconfirmation re magnesium. My son is taking approx 3/4 of a teaspoon of natural calm every morning and having an eps salt bath most nights. So far this has seemed to keep things at bay ( well we think it has it is hard to measure) He is 6 and weighs 25kg....should I be giving him more than this - gradually increasing dose or this an ongoing dose ? The reason I ask is he is suffering a bit of a tic explosion at the moment so I am looking at what to start with him.


It is very overwhelming as I read to know where to start in terms of supplements...I have a list of approx 50 that I have read have helped some people. I keep hearing repeatedly that a good multi and maybe fish oil, taurine would be good ? I have had the bonnie grimaldi supplements in the cupboard for a while and was holding off using them until we seemed to need them. Do you think I should just start these along with the natural calm and bypass all the others I have read about ?

Where I live in Australia there are not a lot of practictioners out there with any experience or even knowledge of TS, so to do this under someones guidance is difficult.

We have cleaned up his diet A LOT and on the weekend he had a few parties and would have consumed a lot of 'party food' considering his diet doesnt contain much of that stuff anymore. Sausage sizzle, a soft drink, a few chips, birthday cake, fish and chips amongst other things. Now the tics have increased significantly - I cant help but think it is quite connected. It is a tough gig with a 6 year old - he hates missing out and I hate to constantly be depriving him. but what do you do ?!

really appreciate anyones feedback re natural calm dose and supplement suggestions.tonight I bought a tub of magnesium capsules - it says each capsule contains magnesium as amino acid chelate 150mg. WOuld this be worth giving him with the NC or separately or not at all ?

thanks so much in advance :)



I don't have lots of experience yet with all the vitamins and i'm in Australia too so know how you feel about not having guidance for all this. I did post a week or 2 ago about how we had cleaned up my sons diet for approx 4 or more weeks then went to a birthday party and within the hour he had tics i'd never seen before so i absolutely believe the food/gut/brain connection would most likely cause a tic increase. I also have posted somewhere about a multivitamin that we are using from our natropath and it has all the major helpers in it. Theres a link in one of my posts if it helps.


Hi there

I am probably asking a question I have asked before but just looking for reconfirmation re magnesium. My son is taking approx 3/4 of a teaspoon of natural calm every morning and having an eps salt bath most nights. So far this has seemed to keep things at bay ( well we think it has it is hard to measure) He is 6 and weighs 25kg....should I be giving him more than this - gradually increasing dose or this an ongoing dose ? The reason I ask is he is suffering a bit of a tic explosion at the moment so I am looking at what to start with him.


It is very overwhelming as I read to know where to start in terms of supplements...I have a list of approx 50 that I have read have helped some people. I keep hearing repeatedly that a good multi and maybe fish oil, taurine would be good ? I have had the bonnie grimaldi supplements in the cupboard for a while and was holding off using them until we seemed to need them. Do you think I should just start these along with the natural calm and bypass all the others I have read about ?

Where I live in Australia there are not a lot of practictioners out there with any experience or even knowledge of TS, so to do this under someones guidance is difficult.

We have cleaned up his diet A LOT and on the weekend he had a few parties and would have consumed a lot of 'party food' considering his diet doesnt contain much of that stuff anymore. Sausage sizzle, a soft drink, a few chips, birthday cake, fish and chips amongst other things. Now the tics have increased significantly - I cant help but think it is quite connected. It is a tough gig with a 6 year old - he hates missing out and I hate to constantly be depriving him. but what do you do ?!

really appreciate anyones feedback re natural calm dose and supplement suggestions.tonight I bought a tub of magnesium capsules - it says each capsule contains magnesium as amino acid chelate 150mg. WOuld this be worth giving him with the NC or separately or not at all ?

thanks so much in advance :)


I think different kids react differently on the supplements. My child use bonnie supplement. He does well with it without any tics trigger. However, the natural calm or plain magnesium supplements do not help him. Based on my understanding, something that help ADHD may or may not help TS. My child cannot tolerate any fish oil which his tics will just be aggravated. Taurine and probiotic which my son is having helps his tics a lot along with strict diet. Can you limit your child to have certain kinds of food to eat during party?


thanks everyone, there are just so many choices it is overwhelming. Hard here in Oz to find a practitioner to guide you through it unfortunately. I am reluctant to try too much as although I know these supplements are natural, Im sure some of them can also have detrimental effects. I dont want to do more damage ! Logismum, have you had any success with that multi yet ? I looked it up tonight and yes it does look very much suited to TS with the inclusions in it....

thanks again everyone :)


thanks everyone, there are just so many choices it is overwhelming. Hard here in Oz to find a practitioner to guide you through it unfortunately. I am reluctant to try too much as although I know these supplements are natural, Im sure some of them can also have detrimental effects. I dont want to do more damage ! Logismum, have you had any success with that multi yet ? I looked it up tonight and yes it does look very much suited to TS with the inclusions in it....

thanks again everyone :)



Logismum, can my child who is nine takes Cognisese, the one you recommended to zinto and your child is taking as well, along with multivatimin? I also interest in knowing if your child has any success on Congniese? Thanks!


I don't really know if it's helping with tics as such as we started it around 2 weeks after my son started vocal ticcing. Our Natropath put us onto it because she says it's just a good all rounder multivatamin thats made for brain fuction. We have been on it about 6-8 weeks and my son is 6.5yrs old. We have also made many dietary changes for him. It's hard to know if he would be way worse without it all. Our biggest challenge atm is getting his gut healthy. We are at the very begining of the journey and don't have a diagnosis of Ts just anxiety with tic disorder that was given at around 4.5 - 5yrs. We have also just included another vitamin called inhinbin 2 this week that includes other viatmins like vit c, B6 etc.


I have looked up Bonnie's supplements before and am considering them for future use but was unsure on how we get them here in Australia?


I don't really know if it's helping with tics as such as we started it around 2 weeks after my son started vocal ticcing. Our Natropath put us onto it because she says it's just a good all rounder multivatamin thats made for brain fuction. We have been on it about 6-8 weeks and my son is 6.5yrs old. We have also made many dietary changes for him. It's hard to know if he would be way worse without it all. Our biggest challenge atm is getting his gut healthy. We are at the very begining of the journey and don't have a diagnosis of Ts just anxiety with tic disorder that was given at around 4.5 - 5yrs. We have also just included another vitamin called inhinbin 2 this week that includes other viatmins like vit c, B6 etc.


I have looked up Bonnie's supplements before and am considering them for future use but was unsure on how we get them here in Australia?


Thank you Logismum. Bonnie's supplements allow to ship to Australia, just select the country you want to ship.

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