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Hello everyone,

I'm new here and stumbled upon this forum in my search for answers regarding my daughter's sudden onset anxiety and OCD. Like all of you, I'm sure, when your child started getting ill, I'm desperate for answers and seem to be hitting roadblocks with health care providers at every turn. I'd never heard of PANDAS until last week, and the more I look into it the more I think it might be somehow related to what's happening with my dd, age 15.


Once I'm fully approved to post here, I'd like to list the chronology and her symptoms and see if this educated community has an opinion as to whether or not it could be PANDAS. When I broached the subject with my pediatrician his exact words were, "I'm not even going to have a conversation about that." Not exactly what I wanted to hear.


In the meantime, I'll keep reading here, and see if I can piece together a connection between dd's sudden anxiety and trichotillomania and her medical history.


So glad I stumbled on this community!




Please keep reading and I'm sure someone will chime in. My children are a lot younger but do not listen to ped ignoring you. There is a lot out hear and I pray you find answers!



Keep posting, many of us do want to answer but check in at random times and for me it is often when I am in between chaos. Don't go back to that pediatrician for help with this because he/ she would not invest the time required to understand this illness and the doctor would need to have the desire and motivation to do so. NOT even willing to have the conversation! If it were there child?




Ugg, that statement makes my blood boil, although I must say I'm not suprised. Please find a new pediatrician ASAP. Regardless of the outcome, you don't need that attitude to anything or any idea you bring in the office. It is so unprofessional, closed minded, egotistical....I could go on and on.....



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