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We see Dr. B in about a week, but it being the weekend, I am wondering if we can up his dose of augmentin. WE are working on seeing the LLMD but the appointment isn't for a few weeks. We have done IVIG etc. But this particular week he is flaring with tics and it is really bothering him. He is 9, 62 pounds and is on 1000mg of augmentin. I am wondering, can we up the dose at all? I will contact the office on Monday, but he is pretty miserable. Could we go to 1500 with his size and weight?


It used to. And I am trying it, but now he is asleep, so hard to tell. The tics have been back this week, but tonight they really got bad. I will give Motrin all day tomorrow and see if it does anything. IT has in the past....but not as much this time...


I would not up the dose. This seems to already be the adult dose for a child more than 88 lbs. I would instead focus on reducing inflammation and increasing detox. Motrin, resveratrol and curcumin (Enhansa) all help with inflammation. Motrin every 8 hrs steady for a week has been especially helpful in my house. Milk thistle and alpha lipoic acid are my personal favorites for detox, along with things that improve bowel movements (magnesium, psyillium husk in capsule form, miralax).


I know it's really, really hard to watch the tics. They bring all sorts of PTSD and seem to give a visual to the chaos swirling around inside their brains. But it's not always infection causing the tics. Sometimes it's the body's inability to get rid of the toxins from the dying bacteria. So upping the abx (killing more) without doing detox support could actually make tics worse.


I am positive we are not dealing with detox. His dad has been sick this past week, and he was at a hockey tournament this past weekend. He was likely exposed to a ton of stuff. I did double the nightime dose of antibiotics last night and dosed with motrin. I gave the regular 500 mg this morning and more motrin. So far the tics seem to have went way down this morning. THe point we are at is realizing that something is hindering the PANDAS treatment. And we are looking towards lyme. the results are iffy enough where Dr. B feels this is the best next step so we are waiting on our appointment with Dr. J in CT. SO what I am looking for short term help for him until we can check in with Dr. B. I will try to call today and see if I can get through. I will also write to the nurses on Monday. I was just wondering if anyone ever upped the dose short term to get through a flair. I do not feel the PANDAS will improve until we fish out the other causes, such as Lyme. SO damage control is our goal this weekend.


I entirely understand what you are asking -- as I am asking the same at our house. (for severe ODD flair, with ticcing.)

it is painful to be around, let alone watch.


With Augmentin there is the issue of too much clavunate acid (sp?), that is why some will use the XR (along with the extended release aspect), but the Augmentin 1000mgXR has a lesser dose of clavunate acid, just wanted to mention that fyi.

I hope you find some relief this next week for him.

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