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This discussion came up a couple of years ago, and several people noticed it at the time (I think for some it was before they did significant detox/supplements though).


I used to notice this for sure. I considered it part of the photosentivity (light flicker/flash) issue. For those kids, it just disturbs their sensitive nervous system. One can make an argument about getting enough exercise of course, but my son was active and still had this issue back then.






There are different causes of light sensitivity...mercury, low riboflavin and pyroluria for example. My son had all 3 at one point, but I believe it was his high mercury levels that were the biggest offender. He had low antioxidant levels, which frequently coincide with high metals. So we supplemented those antioxidants. After about a year he seemed to have lost his photosensitivity.


Before and while we treated him, we also switched from CRT monitors, which have the irritating flicker, to LCD screens, with no flicker. They are so cheap now, they weren't when we first made the switch. A smaller screen helps too.


So for the TV situation, you might try having him watch movies on a computer with a small (less visual impact) 15" LCD monitor from across a well lit room for a week (or an LCD monitor with a TV tuner built in)and see if that helps with the post-TV anger. Graphics play a role...so animation is worse.


If you have read my other posts, you would find out that the screen/photosensitivity was my son's only tic trigger. So he only had frequent tics for 2 months until we figured this out. We avoided screens for 2 years, then realized he wasn't improving...we then started a new search and found this board and the board founder (Sheila Rogers) pointed us to the DAN/EM doctor list now posted. He did the testing and managed our treatment, which included other things such as vitamin supplementation for deficiencies.




Thx Claire,


Yes, now I remember. I read so many posts, I forget.


Since the onset of his tics, we have reduced his TV time, and do most of his viewing on the LCD screen. We tried eliminating TV for about 8 days initially and did not see any improvement, so he is back on the computer and TV about 3 days a week for about 30 to 60 minutes at a time. We also purchased a 13" LCD TV for him to watch.


He used to have slightly more motor tic while he is watching TV, but now I don't see anything. Does that mean he is not photosensitive anymore?


We have a ND and she suggested to chelate my son to treat his tics. Our ND said the heavy metal test is not accurate. Even if the test result is negative, that does not mean he does not have heavy metal, so the best thing to do is to do chelation. I am not very comfortable with what she tells me, so I didn't do the test.


You mentioned seeing a DAN/EM, and found out thru testing that your son had heavy metal. Did your son go thru chelation in addition to taking the vitamin supplements?


Where can I find the list of DAN/EM doctor that is posted?I am interested in getting a 2nd opinion. My son's NAET doctor, who is the partner of our ND recommended treating my son for radiation. Because my son had increased symptoms and new symptoms as a result of the homepathic and probiotic treatments, I stopped all treatments and his symptoms are gradually declining.



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