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anything i add makes this girl so wild and her OCD and confusion get soooo out of control. She is only at 1.5mg. of Abilify. Does this happen when u try new things w/ your children?


How much does she weigh? Were there any other changes? It seemed like things were going better a few days ago for you, did this happen after the addition initial of the abilify? or do you think something else caused her to have the good days?


Yes, I too thought your daughter was doing better as well. Are you ramping too fast on the Abilify? Most of these kids do better on the smallest doses and have problems with larger ones.


I started at 1/2mg. kept her their for 5 days. Still suffered w/ severe confusion. Went to 1mg. for week, then to 1 1/2mg. Each increase, she became more obsessed and stuck with one thought. She has always gotten stuck on things but this stuff made it much much more severe. Every second of the day (and night) she was talking about this concert she wants to get tickets for. Tickets are 1,000.00 each (ridiculous). Obviously we are not getting them, but she would not stop. She studied this group on the computer, drew pictures of them, tried finding my credit card to buy tickets. Woke in the middle of the night and demanded I go to bank to get money for them. Probably one of the worst times I had with her. Anywaya....I began deceasing and she is calming down. She is at 1mg.

Not sure it's doing any good, but we will keep her there for awhile to see what happens. I think it just helped focus tooooo much, and her focus was on her OCD. What other medicines do you have your child on. Our doctor says she needs to be on anafril (spelling?) at same time to calm down obsessions. Any advice is welcome. Thanks


Her weight would be a factor here - how much does she weigh? That is important to know when looking at dosage. Aidan is 55 lbs and for that weight I was told that 2 mg is the lowest treatment dose and that the averege treatment dose was from 4 to 6 mg. If your daughter weighs more than Aidan than you are not even at low end of treatment dose,


Aidan started on 1 mg, then moved to 2 mg after a week or 2. We saw positive results pretty quickly (even on 1 mg) and life became a lot easier. A couple of months later we him to 3 mg and then he now is on 4 mg. He still is on the low end of average treatment dose.


If you think your negative things are happening due to this medication and that the negative outweighs any improvement then perhaps this drug is not the one for your daughter.


Also, as someone has mentioned - glucose levels should be checked with abilify.


Unfortunately none of the drugs have worked, really. I video tape her reaction to show doctors what happens and they have no idea why this child can't get anything in to her. She turns into satan with a pinch of these drugs and some of the supplements. She seems to be handling the doxy and bactrim so far. I am praying it lasts. I see some improvement. I am hoping when lyme/bart. are more under control that more drugs/ supplements are tolerated.

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