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Some Success w/ Bactrim and Doryx!

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I am upping the Bactrim and Doryx slowly and my child is looking quite good during the day and not snapping with racing brain and confusion. I am seeing this combination really calm down her brain. Hallucinations and distorted thinking are much better! She showered and brushed her teeth. Wow!

Sleep is still not good. She is wide awake as I type this (3am).


When she was on the Bactrim and Minocycline I saw sleep get better but she was not looking good during the day. She was screaming at relatives, very uninhibited OCD and agitation was really bad, and not getting better after months on the stuff. Interesting because I have read that minocycline and doryx are similar. Wonder why they are working so differently on her???


BTW...I have heard that Doryx has many more side effects than mino and the other antibiotics. At this point I can't worry about it, but was wondering if anyone has been on the doryx and what they experience.

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So glad to hear your daughter is doing better. It is so nice to see the real child behind all the pain and confusion, isn't it? We are using mino at the moment and have never used doxy. I'm sure you have answered this question before, but have you tried melatonin (esp. timed release) or a anti-histamine at bedtime? If you are up typing at 3am you are not getting much sleep either.

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