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Sitting here watching my 11 year old grandson tic, I am disheartened. In my search for help I came across this website and am very encouraged from what I have read so far. My question is in regards to several statements I read about finding a doctor to work with when beginning a supplement regime and other steps such as allergy tests, diet changes, etc. What 'type' of dr should I be looking for.


My grandson is living with us now and has some very extreme circumstances that have exacerbated his tics. I am ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help him. I am hoping this website/forum will provide me with direction and encouragement. Watching him in school and trying to help him with his homework has me so concerned.


I shared with him tonight some of the things I was reading, and I asked him some questions. I am trying to get a feeling for how willing of a participant he will be. We talked for a while and I told him about this website and this forum. He was so precious, he asked if I would please post on here the question, "Will my tics ever go away forever?" I told him I would post the question and then we prayed.


Your research is our benefit. Thank you.


Hi and welcome :)


The best kind of doctor is one who recognizes the importance of the many things that can trigger tics and the value of correct diet and supplementation. Sadly many conventional doctors dismiss it as "quack stuff" and tell you to do nothing or prescribe meds

An Integrative Physician is always my first choice as they are fully qualified MD or DOs who have gone on to specialize in alternative aka complimentary medicine and so have a balanced holistic approach.

Environmental doctors are often in this category, as are DAN doctors, some naturopaths etc


Do encourage your grandson that for many people, tics can diminish or even disappear with either the right treatment or with time.

It depends on whether the tics are caused by something defined or whether they are a result of genetic inherited Tourette Syndrome. In the former, finding the cause and treating it can bring remission. In the latter, many things can help reduce the frequency and severity of the TS tics and they usually become mild to negligible after the teen years are over


I would suggest you take a look at our "Helpful Threads" section http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=2459

and highly recommend the book by Sheila Rogers http://www.latitudes...?showtopic=1314


It is also always wise to look into a possible infection connection to the tics, which is most often strep related, leading to a condition known as PANDAS, although sometimes other infections can be involved. We have a PANDAS forum here, and here is a helpful website to learn about it http://www.pandasnetwork.org


I would also like to repost something a dear friend of mine, Lara, shared with me when my son was first diagnosed with TS

People with TS tic. It's OK!


Sometimes some tics can be self-injurious or problematic, that cannot be denied. Some tics interfere with all manner of things, like reading, writing, walking, breathing, talking etc. etc. etc., (yes, I know) but the majority of the time they are JUST tics.


I don't even notice people's tics much anymore. I know this might sound most peculiar to some people, but I also find tics of people I know very well, quite endearing.


People tic when they are relaxed. People tic when they are stressed. People tic when they're driving. People need to feel they can tic freely and not feel as if they're being watched, or being studied. It feels good to let it out. People tic 'cause they gotta tic!!!


My son sure has bothersome ones but they are only bothersome to ME when they are dangerous or are causing him grief for some reason or another. I think the most grief he faces is from people who don't seem to just see him as _him_ anymore. They see his constant ticcing and it's as if they negate the existance of his 'self'.


Every single day I am reminded how comfortable home is for my children. That's because school, for example, causes so much build up of unreleased energy. Kids and staff at school, despite education, still don't see past the tics. They don't see past how much my children have changed tic-wise since they were in Year 1. They don't look!!!


I'm not denying that tics can be of concern. I'm not denying that tics can be a right pain. I'm not denying that tics can really affect some people's quality of life. I'm not living in some unrealistic place where I deny the concerns and the pain these _can_ and do present. Believe me, please, I know. However, I think we need to understand in our own minds, that there are many more things that can cause more distress to a person than tics.


We need to start with ourselves. Start at the source. Change the way people view TS from here. I truly empathize with you all who are struggling with this in your young children. I have struggled, still do struggle, and will struggle in the future with some issues. I think the greatest thing we can all do though, is to look BEYOND the tics. Hey, maybe the rest of the world might get the same idea!


Your children's tics are just part of the tapestry of who they are and who they will become... just a tiny part.


Believe me: I have been there! Welcome to a fantastic group!


Recommend ruling out food triggers. We went to a naturopath who actually works with an MD; they did a blood analysis and listed foods that my son's system was "senstive" to, including soy, dairy, gluten (this is BIG - we can actually see tics appear within 30 minutes of eating wheat!). We also do biofeedback and go to a chiroprator. I have to admit we also do meds, but eventually expect to wean off of these. Look for a Tourette's support group near you if possible - and visit the TSA website for further studies, information, ways to support research, etc. Eventually I would like to do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with him (Google to get more info on recent studies on this and TS).


Whether the tics go away or not is a difficult question to answer. I hope for your grandson that he finds ways to cope, reduce the tics, and gets the emotional support to feel empowered as he deals with this.


Best of luck to you!

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