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Flu Shots

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The last I checked 2 yrs ago, the flu shot I could get locally contained thimerasol. Given the risks of mercury, especially in kids who may already have immune issues and problems with detox/methylation, there's no way my kids get flu shots. We support their immune systems with zinc, D3 and C. We use herbs like andrographis or oregano or grapefruit seed extract when they do get sick. I figure it takes a week to recover from the flu, 6 weeks to rein in a flair. I'll risk the flu.

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I would not. I have never heard a PANDAS specialist recommend Flu shots an we have 4 on our team. In a consult w/Dr. K last year, he also recommended against it. Dr. B says no vax or Flu shots. The only time I ever saw my son go into flare and test neg. for Strep, was right after a flu shot (this was in the old days when he still had tonsils. This has changed now, but those were the more "straightforward days"). This was 3 years ago, prior to the H1N1 being included. You have to weigh the risks around your kiddo's exposure setting, area in which you live and susceptibility - as in which is the lesser of 2 evils - the vax or actually getting the flu. I, personally, will not get the shot for my son. In addition, make sure you never get the Flu Mist which is a live vax and could really cause some trouble!

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I know this is an unpopular view, and Dr B has suggested not to, but I am going ahead with the flu shot. I have now found out that in addition to all the other issues DD has an immune deficiency. My DD also has asthma and having Lyme along with PANDAS I need to really avoid steroids for her which means trying to make sure she doesnt't get sick. Before we found out that DD had asthma she did have the Flumist in kindergarted. After readng these boards I do wonder if that opened the Pandora's box we are now battling. My 3 year old has an active Lyme infection as compared to older DD's chronic case, in her case I will delay the vaccine until she has finsihed the course of abx. In her case she also has the same immune deficiency but much more severe, so they are advocating extra vaccines for her. I am really torn for her case.

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I know this is an unpopular view, and Dr B has suggested not to, but I am going ahead with the flu shot. I have now found out that in addition to all the other issues DD has an immune deficiency. My DD also has asthma and having Lyme along with PANDAS I need to really avoid steroids for her which means trying to make sure she doesnt't get sick. Before we found out that DD had asthma she did have the Flumist in kindergarted. After readng these boards I do wonder if that opened the Pandora's box we are now battling. My 3 year old has an active Lyme infection as compared to older DD's chronic case, in her case I will delay the vaccine until she has finsihed the course of abx. In her case she also has the same immune deficiency but much more severe, so they are advocating extra vaccines for her. I am really torn for her case.

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You will have to weigh the risks. If you have an immune deficient child, maybe. My strong advice for having an otherwise healthy child is do not do it. The flu mist vax set my DS off into a most horrible exacerbation that lasted several months. This was before we knew he had PANDAS. Never again will he have a vax while I have any say so about it. Both Dr K and Dr T told me "no more vaxes".

Edited by nicklemama
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Everything everyone is saying makes perfect sense, and of course, what the PANDAS specialists say goes. But, here's my question: Won't a bout with the flu, or any bug for that matter, turn on an already overactive immune response? I know that with Lupus, I am hyper vigilant when it comes to germs because getting sick sends me into a months-long flare.


I'm going to try to remember to ask Dr. L. about this. It seems to me that maybe administering a dead virus via vaccine might be better than risking the real thing in school. I'd like to hear your thoughts. I should add that my kids do not have immune deficiencies.

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Flumist is the "live" vaccine, and the injection is the "killed version" My link. I am not sure if that matters in your decision or not. I suspect even the "killed version" can cause a flair in some.


Hubby and I never seem to get the flu, and so far I can tell kiddo has never had it either so far, so none of us get vaccinated. We do home school, so that reduces our risks as well.

Edited by Mayzoo
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Thanks for all your replies. Children who are asthmatic cannot take the mist, so we would be looking at the live virus. I look forward to hearing more followup from Hopeny. We do not see any of the major PANDAS specialists, so it is good of you to share what their view have been. Does Dr. Swedo have a recommendation one way or another? Again thanks for giving me so much to consider.

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Thanks for all your replies. Children who are asthmatic cannot take the mist, so we would be looking at the live virus. I look forward to hearing more followup from Hopeny. We do not see any of the major PANDAS specialists, so it is good of you to share what their view have been. Does Dr. Swedo have a recommendation one way or another? Again thanks for giving me so much to consider.


The injection is the "killed" virus. The mist is the live virus. Good luck.

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Most Pandas experts say No to Vaccs, anything that can stimulate the immune system can cause a flare-up. Last I heard about Dr Swedo on the issue was at the OCD conf. in Chicago in which she said vaccs are just a "blip" on the pandas radar, but anecdotally I've read differently! I think she has to say that as she speaks for a federal agency (NIMH) and doesn't want to be blown off as alarmist and discredited (as we know they do to the autism advocates)

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I guess one has to weigh the pros and cons (possible rxn to flu shot, vs probability of actually getting the flu, which could trigger more problems.)


One thing you might consider is getting flu shots for all non pandas family members. That way you at least decrease the chance of a family member getting the flu and then spreading it to an unvaccinated pandas kid.


That said, I didn't follow the above advice. I got the flu last year(ugh). Fortunately nobody else in my family got sick. I was wiped out for awhile and it was a pain. I guess I lucked out, in that my kids (esp pandas dd) didn't get it.

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Last year we used muco coccinum and it worked well for us, so we'll be using it again. According to the studies, it's 88% effective for preventing the flu. Our whole family was flu-free last winter. It tastes like little sugar pills, so it's a nice option for people like us who are freaked out by flu shots.

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