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I know I have OCD to some degree. It's not debilitating but it bothers me that I have it at all. Even carrying out the simplest rituals leave me feeling exhausted and I don't want to deal with it any more. Is it okay to get help even though my compulsions aren't severe?


Hi Lia and welcome


it is absolutely ok to get help even tho your symptoms are not severe. If it is bothering you then it is affecting your quality of life.


The very best first line of treatment for OCD is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)



Here is also a link to the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation website



remember too that a healthy diet free of artificial ingredients (especially arificial coloring and artificial sweeteners) goes a looooong way to helping with OCD .

INOSITOL, a B vitamin is also usually a good supplement to start with

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