Missmom Posted July 30, 2012 Report Posted July 30, 2012 Well, for several months now my son has been complaining about pain in his side immediately after urination. This is a sharp type of pain and usually only lasts a couple of minutes and then he is fine. Sometimes he is doubled over in pain though when this happens. Here is the strange part of all of this. It does not happen every time he urinates it only happens once or twice a week, and also the pain switches sides sometime it is his left side and sometimes it is his right side. I have had his urine checked for UTI several times and it is always clear, no infection. Also I asked his pediatrician about kidney stones but he said with kidney stones the pain would not come and go, it would get progressively worse. The pediatrician said it was probably a spasm. I don't know but it did all seem to start around the time that his last major pandas flair started in feb. or march. He is taking abx. also so that should clear any possible infection. Any suggestions??? I guess I will need to add another dr. to my list and make an appt. with a urologist. Ugggggg
jtp Posted July 30, 2012 Report Posted July 30, 2012 My son(12 yo) had similar issues of pain off and on too. It happened after he had an episode/flair and lasted a few months. He also said that he could not finish urinating and would have to wait and return about 10 minutes later to finish. We had his urine tested too, no infections. It hasn't happened in months. I've let it go for now, but please post if you find out anymore information.
Missmom Posted July 30, 2012 Author Report Posted July 30, 2012 My son(12 yo) had similar issues of pain off and on too. It happened after he had an episode/flair and lasted a few months. He also said that he could not finish urinating and would have to wait and return about 10 minutes later to finish. We had his urine tested too, no infections. It hasn't happened in months. I've let it go for now, but please post if you find out anymore information. I will let you know. It is just a very weird symptom because it is not consistent at all. I wish it would go away. The reason we have not been to a specialist yet is because each time I think it has not happened in about a week it starts again. Thanks for responding.
sacpandasmom Posted August 1, 2012 Report Posted August 1, 2012 My 5 yr old daughter has this issue as well and also feels like she can't stop urinating and can become very frustrated with the situation enough to cause anxiety attacks or meltdowns. She had her initial Flare up back in Feb was on antibiotics for about 45 day when we took her off and started her on olive leaf extract, a good probiotic and other supplements. She is about 95% back to normal, but this is the one symptom we still constantly struggle with. We had her tested for several ui's and tested her urine for any other bacteria growth. She also had a kidney ultrasound and everything came back normal. She also started bio-feedback PT, which I'm not sure if it is helping or not yet.
Missmom Posted August 1, 2012 Author Report Posted August 1, 2012 My 5 yr old daughter has this issue as well and also feels like she can't stop urinating and can become very frustrated with the situation enough to cause anxiety attacks or meltdowns. She had her initial Flare up back in Feb was on antibiotics for about 45 day when we took her off and started her on olive leaf extract, a good probiotic and other supplements. She is about 95% back to normal, but this is the one symptom we still constantly struggle with. We had her tested for several ui's and tested her urine for any other bacteria growth. She also had a kidney ultrasound and everything came back normal. She also started bio-feedback PT, which I'm not sure if it is helping or not yet. Another thing I have noticed is that it only happens when we are home, this makes me believe this is psychological in nature. But the pain is there and it is severe when it happens, like I said my son is doubled over in pain but only for a few mins. I am just not sure what to do. We have not been to a urologist yet, but other doctors have just dismissed this after the urine tests all come back clear. I hate pandas!!!
sf_mom Posted August 1, 2012 Report Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) I have had this symptom since last December. My pain initially started right after an antibiotic rotation. The pain was alternating between both kidney's and very severe but now the pain is minor and resides in my left kidney only. I was checked for Kidney Stone via x-ray/urine analysis and neither indicated a stone. I have had ongoing issues with periodic UTIs, dumping excess RBC/WBC into urine and urinary frequency. My original diagnoses was fibromyalgia. When we dug deeper and looked for chronic infections et al, I was positive for Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, 4 different viruses, KPU, etc. We also see an LLMD that practices ART muscle testing and the combinations of Tindamax and Vancomycin is what originally kicked off the kidney pain. Via ART it was felt that one of the infections/viruses (specifically for me babesia) had picked up residence in my kidney and the pain was actually a herx response to antibiotic treatment and likely swelling. Regardless it has taken a very long time to mostly resolve and the pain is still there but minor and tolerable. None of the above infections would have been picked up via urine analysis except for Lyme and the right test would need to be preformed (Dot Blot or Urine PCR via Igenex). Here are the things that helped me the most. Twice daily detox drink.... It may be impossible to get your child to drink it but minimally lemon water and Aloe Vera Juice would help with any daily detox binder. An Osteopath might also help increase blood flow to kidney to deal with whatever is impacting the organ and potentially bring down load or swelling. Here is the detox drink. My 8 year old drinks it but my younger 5 year old twins will not touch it. The binder we take is bentonite clay 'liquid' at bedtime two hours away from antibiotics. The Vitamineral Green also has chlorella in it which will absorb many toxins. Wishing you all the best.... it was painful and one of my predominate symptoms so I feel for your child. 1. 2 oz of Aloe Vera for inflammation and mineral/vitamins: http://www.aloelife.com/ezStore123/DTProductZoom.asp?productid=15 2. 2 Scoops Vitamineral Green for detox and anti-inflammatory: http://www.healthforce.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=6&category_id=1 3. Chlorophyll: 18 drops, Oxygenates and regenerates Red Blood Cells: http://www.herbsetc.com/Topics/PDF/chloro_bro_07.pdf 4. Juice of one Lemon 5. 14 oz of water EDIT: I forgot to mention any herb that was specific for kideny detox seemed to temporarily help with symptoms. Even an herbal kidney stone breaker herb brought relief (when I thought kidney stone). You can google for stuff but here is what helped initially for intense pain. http://www.morningstarhealth.com/909303.html Edited August 1, 2012 by SF Mom
kos_mom Posted August 1, 2012 Report Posted August 1, 2012 Re: this line-- "Another thing I have noticed is that it only happens when we are home, this makes me believe this is psychological in nature." I would not be quick to dismiss as psychological. My DS had big time tics and OCD and was pretty good at holding everything in during school only of ourse to have a huge outbreak once he got home. If anything was psychological about that it was him using mind over matter and probably every bit of psychic energy to restrain himself during school. I also did ERP with him and he later told me that when we initially did it, he would go afterwards and hide himself in a closet where he frentically ticced.
Missmom Posted August 1, 2012 Author Report Posted August 1, 2012 I have had this symptom since last December. My pain initially started right after an antibiotic rotation. The pain was alternating between both kidney's and very severe but now the pain is minor and resides in my left kidney only. I was checked for Kidney Stone via x-ray/urine analysis and neither indicated a stone. I have had ongoing issues with periodic UTIs, dumping excess RBC/WBC into urine and urinary frequency. My original diagnoses was fibromyalgia. When we dug deeper and looked for chronic infections et al, I was positive for Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, 4 different viruses, KPU, etc. We also see an LLMD that practices ART muscle testing and the combinations of Tindamax and Vancomycin is what originally kicked off the kidney pain. Via ART it was felt that one of the infections/viruses (specifically for me babesia) had picked up residence in my kidney and the pain was actually a herx response to antibiotic treatment and likely swelling. Regardless it has taken a very long time to mostly resolve and the pain is still there but minor and tolerable. None of the above infections would have been picked up via urine analysis except for Lyme and the right test would need to be preformed (Dot Blot or Urine PCR via Igenex). Here are the things that helped me the most. Twice daily detox drink.... It may be impossible to get your child to drink it but minimally lemon water and Aloe Vera Juice would help with any daily detox binder. An Osteopath might also help increase blood flow to kidney to deal with whatever is impacting the organ and potentially bring down load or swelling. Here is the detox drink. My 8 year old drinks it but my younger 5 year old twins will not touch it. The binder we take is bentonite clay 'liquid' at bedtime two hours away from antibiotics. The Vitamineral Green also has chlorella in it which will absorb many toxins. Wishing you all the best.... it was painful and one of my predominate symptoms so I feel for your child. 1. 2 oz of Aloe Vera for inflammation and mineral/vitamins: http://www.aloelife.com/ezStore123/DTProductZoom.asp? 2. 2 Scoops Vitamineral Green for detox and anti-inflammatory: http://www.healthforce.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=6&category_id=1 3. Chlorophyll: 18 drops, Oxygenates and regenerates Red Blood Cells: http://www.herbsetc.com/Topics/PDF/chloro_bro_07.pdf 4. Juice of one Lemon 5. 14 oz of water EDIT: I forgot to mention any herb that was specific for kideny detox seemed to temporarily help with symptoms. Even an herbal kidney stone breaker herb brought relief (when I thought kidney stone). You can google for stuff but here is what helped initially for intense pain. http://www.morningstarhealth.com/909303.html Thank you so much, this was just the kind of info I was looking for. I figured it must have had something to do with an infection, just could not figure out why nothing keeps showing up on his urine analysis.. Just one question, did you have any sort of herx response when you started to detox your kidneys? If so how long did it last? At least I feel a little more educated now and can go and do more research. Thank you for all the great info. The lemon water is easy, the other stuff we will see. My son is 12 so he is pretty cooperative about trying new things if he thinks that they will help him. Since pandas it seems that is all we do is keep trying new things.
sf_mom Posted August 2, 2012 Report Posted August 2, 2012 I did not have any herx response from detox drink and only felt better but have also been focused on other regular detox for over two years. A friend did try the drink and she did not feel well almost immediately. I would start with lemon water and add Aloe in a week or so, etc. Any additional herbs specific for kidney only brought relief.... like the 'Stone Breaker'. I would also try that immediately along with lemon water. If it does cause a herx and the pain worsens... I would continue to look for infections that are not obviously UTIs. Long term detox can be very helpful no matter the infection. It helps to unburden the immune system especially when there are continued exposures. Aloe/lemon are very alkalizing and will also help to control yeast while on antibiotics as well.
Missmom Posted August 10, 2012 Author Report Posted August 10, 2012 Ok, so went to the urologist today and everything checked out totally normal.... They did an ultrasound on the kidneys, checked urine for bacteria and yeast etc.... This was an older doctor been practicing for a very long time and he was flummoxed... At least I know that his kidneys appear normal now and will just have to start focusing more on the detox stuff...
jtp Posted August 10, 2012 Report Posted August 10, 2012 Glad to hear that all tests were normal, one less worry.
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