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Hello, I am a 26 year old male who is concerned I may have some form of OCD.


My problem is that when I get a new video game or DVD I become obsessed about keeping dust and scratches off it to the point of wasting upwards of half to three quarters of an hour brsuhing dust off the disc with my t-shirt and then examining it and then brushing off the next fleck of dust to appear. I repeat this process over and over becoming increasingly panicked if I can’t make the disc spotless! Sometimes I do this so much that I end up scratching the disc which then occupies my thoughts for the next day or two.

I am convinced this is OCD, especially since my 19 year old sister has had it since she was two years old.

I’m afraid to tell my wife about this as I don’t think she’d handle the news well and has a lot of her own problems at the moment.


Can OCD be a genetic thing?


Does anyone have any advice about how to deal with this or have a similar problem themselves?


Please help.

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